heart attack at the finish line
Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 8:07PM

That's what my poor designer must feel like.

We finished the Lookbook.

Let me just say that one more time for effect:


We finished the Lookbook.

So my designer, who is very longsuffering, tried to transfer the (huge) file to me so I could do something with it. Like publish it. Like send it to the printer.

As of this writing, we've been trying for more than six hours to transfer the file.

Zipping and dropboxes do not seem to work. (They start to upload and then stall at like 17%.) We're trying another option that's at 19% right now, but if worse comes to worst, we'll have to go to emergency plan B.

Cross your fingers for us and our 288MB file!

Article originally appeared on Yarnista (http://www.yarnista.com/).
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