I have lots to tell you.
Monday, May 24, 2010 at 11:19AM

1. I like numbered lists.

2. I have this on my banged up filing cabinet here at the studio. And I like you. Thank you for being here.


3. We have a new retailer to welcome to the fold. If y'all are ever down Texas Way, be sure and check out The Sassy Spinster in Lancaster, on Historic Town Square. You can also reach them via telephone at 972-218-5335. Welcome, welcome!

4. This colorway is like a little piece of heaven peeking through the clouds. Not unlike a silver lining.

When you see it initially, you may think, "Wow, I love that!" or you may think, "Hmmm... I'm not a bright yellow person." Yellow tends to have that effect on people. But I'll tell you what: this colorway knits up like nobody's business.

It has very short color repeats, with multiple shades of yellow, ranging from butter to daffodil, ivory, and several shades of grey. If you get a skein of it, your feet will thank you.

This colorway is available exclusively at  The Backwards Loop, another one of our Awesome Retailers. (You can request it from them on other yarn bases: I love this as a gender neutral baby option -- it's delightful on Springvale!)

5. Speaking of awesome, The Backwards Loop has our new spring rainbow instock on Kells, and a big selection of instock fabulosity Wexford Merino Silk.

6. Last week it was 86 degrees. Today it is 52. (For you Celsiophiles, it went from hot to cold.) There was so much fog this morning that you couldn't even see Lake Superior. The biggest lake in the world. Couldn't see it.

7. Minnesotans love to talk about the weather. Especially Duluthians. Lake Superior causes the weather to change quickly -- rarely do we get a long stretch of the same thing. I think the meteorologists earn their living here.

8. The Minnesota state bird is the Common Loon.

If you're from Canada or Alaska, you don't need me to tell you any more about this bird, as it lives nearly everywhere in your fair land. But it only lives in a few places here in the contiguous US, and even then, you don't see them that often. Last night I went to dinner with a friend and we saw two loons on Lake Superior -- my first sighting since returning to my hometown.

Loons can dive 250 feet and stay underwater for five minutes, and they can fly 75 miles an hour. (For you kilomophiles, that's fast.) They have red eyes because it helps them see underwater, not because they're scary.

I think you should click on this link and listen to the loon call. (Right underneath the appearance information.) It's very unique.

But hey, I'm just a yarnista, don't listen to me if you don't want to.

Don't click the link, that's fine. It's your choice, really.

Click it or don't. It's no skin off my back.

But you should click it.

9. Remember this colorway, the one I loved so much? Gulf of Mexico?

It was created before the horrible oil spill in the Gulf. But rather than just wring our hands, we've teamed up with A Good Yarn Sarasota to donate a portion of the proceeds of the sales of this colorway to the National Wildlife Federation, which will help rescue animals impacted by the spill and assist in cleanup efforts. It feels good to do something instead of just reading news stories about who's to blame and how horrible it is. If you buy Gulf of Mexico, the benefits will be threefold:

You can order it by emailing info@agoodyarnsarasota, calling 941.487.7914, or by visiting the store in person. Directions are on their website.

10. Don't forget about our open call for original knitting and crochet designs! Submissions are due June 13th, and more information can be found here.


11. And just for good measure:

The end.


Article originally appeared on Yarnista (http://www.yarnista.com/).
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