You'll be pleased to know...
Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 5:05PM

... that I have not melted, like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Nor have I drowned trying to cool myself in the frigid waters of Lake Superior.

And neither have I lapsed into a vegetative state created by heat exhaustion.

But I've thought about it.

Contrary to popular belief, summer does come to Northern Minnesota. We don't dogsled to and from our igloos year round.

The temperatures are actually quite mild -- mid 70s (F). But inside the studio, we have many stoves and many sinks with very hot water running all the time. And while we have seven fans circulating air, two HEPA filters cleaning the air, and one industrial dehumidifier, they all produce heat as well. And standing under our task lights raises the temperature by a further ten degrees, at least.

I'm not complaining, mind you. I'm really just here to let you know that I have not melted, nor have I drowned or lapsed into a coma, despite the heat.

I've taken to wearing running shorts, which means that I have dye all over my legs.

Here's a tip from me to you: red and purple dye on your legs makes you look like you have a disease of the veins.

Brown, black, and yellow make you look like you have extensive bruising.

If you have to get dye on your legs, it's best to get bright green, which cannot be mistaken for a malady of any normal sort.

So. On to the yarn I wanted to show you. Here are a couple more of the nature-inspired colorways I mentioned in yesterday's post.

Top to bottom, dyed on Deliciousness, our 100% fine alpaca, Adorn Sock, and Springvale Bulky.

This was inspired by a purple starfish in a tidal pool, much like this one:

It has a deep browny purple and the colors of algae and rocks interspersed throughout the rest of the skein.

This colorway was inspired by a watercolor painting of a physical location, created at the request of one of our Awesome Retailers.  I'll share a picture of the painting a bit later.

Lots of greys, rusty-burgundy, pale soft silvery blues and teals, and olive green.

That's all the news that's fit to print here in the Overly Warm Working Environment. Off to buy some popsicles to help us all remain upright...

P.S. Boy Aaron would like you to know that he is going to shave his beard off tonight.

P.S.S. Thank the Lord.

P.S.S.S. Dont' tell him I said that.

Article originally appeared on Yarnista (
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