things that are beautiful
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 6:17PM

Yes, I could make this post about yarn.

But let's not and say we did.

Let's talk about other things that are beautiful. Things like:

The cotton candy clouds in the Minnesota twilight.

Things like:

The Ranunculus in my kitchen window.

Things like:

Duluth's rose garden in full bloom.

Things like:

A field of clover near Lake Superior. Don't you want to just roll down that gently sloping hill?


No? Just me?

Things like:

A morning latte on an outdoor patio with a friend. Sans children. Sans humidity.

Things like:

The perfume counter at Bloomingdale's.

Nice job, merchandising department.

Kudos on the Jo Malone display. I wanted some, and I don't even wear perfume.

Things like:

The brush-wielding girl at the Bobbi Brown counter.

Why yes, I am looking for something special, and yes, I do want to try this season's newest blue eyeshadow.

(Blue eyeshadow is back, girlies!)

(Side note: Boy Aaron calls this my Dislocated Eyebrow Face. This is the gentle version of Dislocated Eyebrow Face. I reserve the full view for when he's trying to tell his 17th grody boy joke of the day.)

Back to the beauty! No getting sidetracked!

I think this is beautiful:

House made papparadelle pasta with leeks and sausage in a parmesan broth.

And this is beautiful:

The misty, rugged coast of Northern California. 52 degrees Fahrenheit in July.


Some people from the Midwest think California is the land of endless sun and bikini wearing. Not in 52 degrees, it ain't.

I lurve this:

My dear friend Colleen. She's a beauty and a talent, and understood my desire to eat in restaurants that do not serve chicken nuggets.

I also like that Colleen took me to a bakery that made these beauties:

And there's nothing better than this:

That's hubby's hand, not mine, meaning I am not cooking dinner. Surprise steaks on the grill at the end of a long day of Yarnista-ing?

That's beautiful.

Article originally appeared on Yarnista (
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