It's a good thing I have three children and a dog.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 5:03PM

It's the only thing that keeps my house from looking like this:

I mean, really. If I were a woman who lived alone, I would have a sideboard, and this is what my sideboard would look like.

Covered with antique lamps and teacups.

It's a sickness.

I would own all of those lamps. And I would turn on a different one each night. And I would make myself tea, and I would use a different floofy flowered cup every day.

And I would eat cookies along with the tea and I would gain 100 pounds and I wouldn't fit in my clothes, but I would love looking at my teacup and lamp collection.

It's a trade off. Clothes or teacups.

Those mint green ruffle dishes? I covet them. I COVET them. Covet is not a strong enough word.

What is the universe trying to tell me here? That I should have been born in 1910?

That I have a sickness?

It can't be that I need a hobby. I have more hobbies than I can count, and can think of ten more hobbies I'd like to take up if I had time. So don't suggest that.


I can't even stand it.


The only thing that stops me from filling my house with floofy tchotchkes is the fact that I have three small children and a dog.

That, and the lack of a vast personal fortune.

P.S. Please forgive the camera phone pictures. I just happened upon these and couldn't resist.


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