It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Monday, September 20, 2010 at 1:16PM

When the leaves are just beginning to goldify...

When the mornings have the bite of a Honeycrisp apple...

When the geese take off from their night nests and form a V in the morning sky...

When the dewdrops take hours to evaporate from the blades of grass...

When the kayaks and canoes that pepper our ponds are stored for the long winter ahead...

This is when I get the urge to bust out the Christmas carols and the hot chocolate.

This is when I announce to the studio, "Just a little appetizer, you don't want to ruin your dinner!" when I'm turning on Dean Martin singing Marshmallow World in the Winter.

This is prime Christmas (and Hanukkah, and Solstice) knitting time. We still have enough time to make something, but it's time to get crackin'.

What are you making this year?

I would tell you, but the intended recipient will read this, and the surprise will be spoiled. That's one of the problems of having a blog.

People read it.

And then they know everything about you.

Let me live vicariously through you -- what are you knitting for the holidays?


P.S. Minnesota trivia tidbit of the day: Honeycrisp apples were developed by the University of Minnesota. Naturally, they are the best apples ever.


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