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Time to play!

For fun.

Because I'm silly and like games.

Because I often ask my husband ridiculous hypothetical questions that he hates to answer. (Would you rather live in a cave, never seeing the light of day until you were 150 years old, or would you rather live in a beautiful palace in the Alps and die when you're 75?)

Because it's Monday and we have one million skeins of yarn to ship today.

Because I'm still wearing my fuzzy pistachio green bathrobe and I have to be to work in 20 minutes.

For fun, OK? For fun.

What were your favorite children's books when you were growing up?

Maybe your faves will show up as a colorway name, you never know!

P.S. The answer to the poll in the post below this one is C.

See, you are smart.

I knew I liked you.
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Reader Comments (85)

"A Fish Out of Water" (1961) by Helen Palmer (Geisel)(Dr. Suess' wife), and illustrated by P. D. Eastman. About his new pet fish, "Never feed him a lot. Never more than a spot! Or something may happen. You never know what."
"Go, Dog. Go!" (1961)written and illustrated by P(hilip) D(ey) Eastman. "Do you like my hat?"
Guess I was a P. D. Eastman fan and didn't know it.

October 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLoraine

The Black Stallion by Walter Farley followed by the rest of the series
Sherlock Holmes by Arther Conan Doyle
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis

October 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShaine

Oh I missed so much when I was away! It seems that all of my favorite books have been listed here. I don't remember many of my little kid books - although I remember my father reading to all of us (five at the time, six in the end) from collections of bedtime stories. There was one about a girl who had a magic pencil and anything she drew would become real. A Necklace of Raindrops was another one. I remember Drummer Hoff was my brother's favorite book and now, as an adult, it makes SO much more sense. I remember the books I read to my baby sister (Katie - she posted farther up) and can still recite "some of them. When I got older I read Laura Ingells Wilder until the fell apart. Literally. ALL of those titles are great colorway names. By the Shores of Silver Lake. The Long Winter. These Happy Golden Years. Plum Creek. Big Woods. Prairie. LIW was a VERY visual writer! Then I graduated to The Chronicles of Narnia (I did my senior term paper on them!) and The Betsy-Tacy books. And, of course, as Katie said, ALL of the Robin McKinley books!

October 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmy A

The Betsy Tacy Tib books by Maud Hart Lovelace are set in Mankato MN 100 years ago. Each girl has her own favorites colors, hair color, eye color. The descriptions are lovely. One could create great colorways - as well as enjoy some timeless stories about growing up.

October 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinda

One fish
Two fish
Red fish
Blue fish.
By Dr Seuss, of course. It was the only Dr Seuss book my sister and I owned, and read it often.

Hmmm. Red + blue = purple? Perhaps?...

P.s. Hope it's not too late to put in my two cents.

October 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBetsy

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