It's comforting to know that a post I wrote more than two years ago is still 100% true. In September of 2009, I found seven things that I knew for sure.
And I still know them now. But now, they're like for sure for sure. For sure.
Here's what really know, deep down, and have for years now.
1. I was uncool long before being uncool was cool.
2. Pale is the new tan.
3. I need constant supervision.
4. Cooking and cleaning are for people who haven't discovered knitting yet.
5. A morning without coffee is like... something...without something else...
6. Chocolate is proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy.
7. People from Massachusetts do not find it amusing when you yell, "Where'd ya PAHK? Over near HAHVAHD YAHD?"
Just thought you'd like to know.