smelling salts.
Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 8:22AM

Please pass them.

Nine days until King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway land in my hometown. Nine days.

Oh, look. Here I am with them. They just don't know it.

Nine days until our {temporary} business name change.

The logo is going to look just like that, too. Klassy with a K.

They're going to be in town for the rededication of Enger Tower, which you can read more about here.

Since they're going to be one block from the studio, I am hopeful I'll be able to present them with a special gift I've made.

Maybe you didn't know this, but my specialty is yarn? I dye yarn, did you know that?

So I made them some colorways? Special commemorative colorways? Colorways, question mark?

After a lot of thought and helpful suggestions from friends and Twitter followers, I decided to make something that represented my region. I thought about choosing the colors of Norway (flag, fjords, flowers), but then I realized that they probably have plenty of those colors at home.

If I were traveling to Norway, I wouldn't seek out stuff from the United States or Minnesota. I would want something Norwegian, something I could look at and remember my trip by.

We have a lot of {awesome} Norwegian customers. And we shall soon have a new Norwegian retailer so our {awesome} Norwegian customers can get our yarn locally.

And in the next few days, I'll be releasing commemorative edition colorways that will be available for an extremely limited time.

One will be based on Duluth's glorious autumn, with our blue skies, bright colors, and evergreens.

Another on the amazing auroras we get to witness. Clear skies in winter mean little snow, cold temps, and glimpses of this:

In spring, lilacs carpet the city, mostly unbidden.

And in the summer, Duluthians (and our millions of visitors) flock to Lake Superior for views, a cool breeze, and to watch the action in the harbor.

And of course, no commemorative collection would be complete without a nod to the reason for the royal visit, Enger Tower.

Smelling salts are needed. Smelling salts are needed urgently.

Question: what is the protocol for presenting royalty with gifts? I'm assuming screaming and jumping up and down is out? What would you do, if you were me?

Article originally appeared on Yarnista (
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