Because it's awesome.
And because I said so.
What more incentive do you need?
Yarnover is an annual event put on by the Minnesota Knitter's Guild, and over its long history, it's grown to epic proportions. Held one day a year (April 28th), an entire (large) high school is descended upon by knitters. As if that weren't spectacle enough, there's an amazing marketplace and a roster of nationally known teachers. I hate to name drop, but...
Anne Hanson. Sivia Harding. Clara Parkes. Annie Modesitt. Amy Singer. And a bunch more. (Yes, me too, although I am hardly worth name dropping over.)
Here's the class schedule:
I see about ten classes I want to take, but I'll be teaching all day, so I'll have to wait for another opportunity.
There's a meet and greet dinner the night before at a nearby hotel -- buy a ticket and come hang out with all of us!
Even if you can't make it for the classes, it's totally worth it to stop by for the marketplace -- I like this event because there's a huge variety of things (ahem), but it's also manageable in size. You won't spend two days walking an endless maze of convention center flooring, not knowing where to start.
Here are a couple of pics I grabbed from last year's event:
(Aimee from Darn Knit Anyway, adorable as usual.)
Class registration opens today, and some of the classes are already full from pre-registration, so I would sign up as soon as you can. You can download the full brochure, including all the course descriptions, off the MN Knitter's Guild website, here.
Or I'll make it easy for you and let you download it off of my blog, too: 2012 Color Yarnover Brochure
I don't want to hear any excuses from you. I've given you ample planning time. I've given you sufficient incentive.
You're coming.
Please and thank you.
The end.