Let's settle this once and for all.
Monday, February 20, 2012 at 5:37PM

I know y'all like to comment on my appearance. Here are actual comments I have received via my blog, Twitter, in person, or via email.

"I loved the class, but did not like the way you wore your hair. It's so matronly when it's up."

"It was great to meet you. Maybe next time you can wear your hair up so I can see more of your neck."

"Haven't I seen this dress before?"

"You look like a movie star on Demerol."

"Your lipstick was too dark. I found it very distracting."

"The dress you were wearing was pretty, but how come you never wear pants?"

"You are really just a small giant."


I could go on. I'm just choosing to believe that most of the people who comment positively or negatively about my hair/makeup/clothing are trying to be helpful, and that they care. Why else would they take the time to tell me what my hair needed brushing, my skirt needed ironing, or I needed to freshen my pedicure? I can either get offended, or I can choose to see it as motherly (fatherly?), and I'm going with option B, the glass half full option.


So, in that spirit, here's your chance to tell me your thoughts (nicely).

Which do you like better?


Or blonde?

Article originally appeared on Yarnista (http://www.yarnista.com/).
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