Carpe Yarnem: the club
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 11:56AM

Our Carpe Yarnem: Seize the Dye colorways are some of the most popular things we make. These colorways, which can never be replicated because we don't keep the recipes, are stocked at random on our website and sold via our trunk shows at festivals and local yarn shops. We love creating them, and they're so fun to knit with, because the serendipity involved is always entertaining.

I've been known to stay up late just to see how a colorway will knit up.

The downside to these stockings: you have to be fast enough to catch the colorways on our site, or you have to be able to trek to a trunk show. Both options are fun, but limited in scope. What if you're at a doctor's appointment during a stocking? What if you leave in rural Norway and can't fly to Minnesota to get some yarny goodness?

We've decided to create a club option for those of you who love these super exclusive colorways. Every month, you'll get a new Carpe Yarnem shipment in your mailbox. The colorway and yarn base will be a surprise, but we will rotate among all of our luscious yarns, from small farm-raised merino to cashmere blends.

There are two options for our CYSD clubs: Wild and Mild. Yarnista's Wild Ride will include our most imaginative colorways, while the Walk on Mild Side option will include earthier and more muted (but still stunning) shades.

Here are some examples of what I consider our Wild Colorways: (Please note that these are not the actual colorways you will receive, these are just examples of our previous work.)



And here are some examples of our past Mild colorways: (Please note that these are not the actual colorways you will receive, these are just examples of our previous work.)

In addition to choosing between Wild and Mild, you'll have the option to choose from HEAVY or LIGHT packages. Heavy packages will include two skeins of yarn each month that range from DK to bulky weight. We will occasionally tuck a fun treat into the club packages, but the focus will be on the amazing yarn, not swag and patterns.

Light packages will include one skein of yarn that ranges from lace to sport weight. Again, we'll occasionally include a fun treat, but this club will not include regular patterns or extras.

Subscriptions to Wild and Mild clubs are limited to ten members each. When the ten spots are filled, we'll create a waiting list for people interested in future club availability.

Payment can be made upfront for a slight discount or monthly for easier budgeting. Shipping is included, and packages will be sent in the middle of each month, beginning with March 2012.

Ready to get started? Click one of the icons below for the Wild Ride club. Please select your package weight and your payment option.

Yarnista's Wild Ride has sold out. Please use the contact form in the upper right to be added to our waiting list.




Walk on the Mild Side has sold out.  Please use the contact form in the upper right to be added to our waiting list. We'll contact you should someone else drop out.




Here are some answers to what I anticipate will be the most frequently asked questions:

Q: Will I get to see previews of the colorways before they're sent to me?

A: No, this is a true Seize the Dye opportunity. People tell us all the time how they didn't think they would like ______________ (fill in the blank with whatever you like, orange, brown, turquoise, pink, silk, alpaca, etc), but now that it's in their hands, they've fallen in love. And if you don't care for something, there are plenty of destash opportunities in our Ravelry groups. Just sayin'.

Q: Can I buy extra skeins of a colorway?

A: Because we don't keep the recipes and the colorways will never be recreated, what you get in the mail is what we have. There are no do-overs in CYSD! We can, however, help you find a coordinating solid to go along with something, if you like.

Q: How long is my membership good for?

A: If you pay in advance, the payment covers three months of shipments. At the end of the three months, you'll have the opportunity to renew, or to let us move on to someone on our waiting list. If you're paying monthly, payment will be automatically deducted every 30 days until you cancel.

Q: When will shipments be sent?

A: Shipments will go out in the middle of every month, beginning with March 2012.

Q: Can you accommodate a fiber allergy?

A: In some cases, yes. If, say, you're allergic to alpaca, we can work around that. If you're allergic to all wools, that is a bit more problematic. Shipments may sometimes include our non-wool yarns, but soft merinos and merino blends are the staple of our repertoire, so we won't be able to entirely eliminate them for you.

Q: Can I buy more than one subscription?

A: Sure.

Q: Will everyone in the Wild or Mild clubs get the same colorways?

A: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on what kind of mood the Yarnista is in. :)

If you have more questions, feel free to use the contact button in the upper right to drop us a line!

Article originally appeared on Yarnista (
See website for complete article licensing information.