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Entries by Yarnista (327)


Monday #1

I have several posts in the works today!

Here's the first. Don't forget that today is the last day to order the Glimpse colorway.

More information about it is here.


Spring collection

It's almost here.

You will like it. It's pretty darn nifty.

And you will be surprised.

And that's all I have to say about that. The end.

Just kidding.

Let's have a naming contest, shall we? You suggest possible colorway names. If I use one of yours, I'll send you a free skein of that colorway. When you make a suggestion below, please be sure to enter your email address so I can contact you if you win. (Your email address will not be visible to anyone but me.)

Have at 'em!


I did it for Springvale Bulky.

Springvale Bulky made me do it.

Have you ever used that as an excuse? Try is sometime. "I'm sorry honey, I wanted to fold your laundry, but Springvale Bulky talked me out of it."

"I didn't get a chance to pick up dinner because Springvale Bulky talked me into knitting all afternoon. Whoopsies!"

There's just something about Springvale Bulky. He's very persuasive. He's very charming. He's very handsome.

Speaking of characters (don't you love an awkward segue?), here's what Springvale Bulky forced me to do:

He somehow talked me into having my picture taken with him.

More than one time.

The coat is Jackie Kennedy perfection: emerald green, heavy wool, 3/4 length sleeves to show off your gloves. I bought it in an antique store.

But the neck decor? That was designed just for us by the amazingly talented Carina Spencer.

Betula Ring can be worn in about 10 different ways. I didn't even get to photograph all of them.

More pictures here.

Let's see, what do I like about this pattern?

1. Carina Spencer designed it. I'm a big fan. All of her patterns have a simple genius that inspires me.

2. It uses one skein of Springvale Bulky. One!

3. You can wear it in a bunch of different ways. Versatile!

4. You can make this for both men and women. This version is pretty unisex with the wood buttons and the Winter Birch colorway. But it would be just as adorable in pink with mother of pearl buttons or in a manly colorway with a tortoiseshell, wood, or bone button.

5. When you buy it, you're supporting an independent designer.

6. The pattern is clearly written, well-illustrated, and professionally edited.

7. You can whip this up in one movie sitting. Need to give someone a gift tomorrow? No problem!

I could go on here. But enough of my yammering. You should get one for yourself.

Betula Ring pattern, available now for immediate download.

P.S. Be careful, there's no telling what Springvale Bulky might be able to talk you into.



I don't know why

I don't know why bad things happen to the nicest people in the world.

I wish I did.

I don't know why natural disasters strike or mamas have to lose babies.

I know that I can't fix everything.

But I can do something.

I made this colorway.  It's not everything, but it's something. It's something I know how to do.

A longtime customer and friend recently lost her baby Charlie.  It's in her honor that I am donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this colorway to Share, a not-for-profit organization that provides support and resources to families who have lost babies.

If you're not a knitter, or you don't need more yarn and you want to help in some way, I'll be happy to send this directly to someone on your behalf.

Some people find knitting to be meditative or spiritual. Some people pray as they knit each stitch. Some people find knitting to be a welcome diversion, a retreat from their hectic lives.

Some need to be surrounded by small objects of beauty, by quiet reminders that the sun will return -- for even just a few moments -- from behind the dark veil of sadness.

This colorway will go on sale on Thursday, February 17th. It will be available on our site for the remainder of the month of February. I will make the colorway for you -- or someone you care about -- on whichever of our yarns you prefer. 

If you'd like us to send this as a memorial gift to someone, please let us know in the comments at checkout, and we'll wrap the yarn and include a card with your message.

If you're not a knitter and don't know much about yarn, but want to send a gift to someone, I'd recommend Springvale Worsted. It's a soft, easy care, versatile yarn. Every knitter (or crocheter) can find a use for it.

 So much sadness exists in the world that we are all under obligation to contribute as much joy as lies within our powers.     --John Sutherland Bonnell

This is my one small thing, my tiny glimpse of sunlight.


there are some things up with which I will not put.

On a beautiful morning in Oklahoma,

I strolled the grounds of a historic home. Now an art museum.

The gardens were lush.

The fountains beguiling.

The koi fetching.

The lily pads magical.

The gazebo beckoning.

The butterflies bashful.

As I enjoyed the quiet morning of solitude, I began to wonder...

Could I make that into a colorway?

Look at that texture and detail. Could I make that into a colorway?

And then, Is there any way I could paint that in my dining room?

Would that match my dining room table?

Then, inspiration struck like a thunderclap.

Three Irish Girls: The Alabaster Collection.

I could dye the yarn ivory!

Yes, the Alabaster Collection!

Yarn dyed ivory!

 I'm certainly glad I documented these shades of alabaster perfection. 

I wouldn't stand a chance of being able to replicate them once I got back to the studio.

Clearly, I am a genius.

After the release of the Alabaster Collection, perhaps I'll make this into a colorway.

 Now, let's talk about things I will not make into a colorway.



I know this is disappointing. I know you were desperately hoping for a colorway inspired by distorted, talking, face videos that say things like, "Hey, get off me!" projected onto fiberglass shapes.

I'm sorry.

I'm also sorry to report that I will also not be creating colorways from these.

You don't want to know.

No glow-in-the-dark-anatomically-correct-alien-butterflies, no sir.

They won't play well in Peoria. Or Tulsa.

Also, there are just some things up with which I will not put.

You can go back to bed now, I've got everything under control.

The end.

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