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Entries by Yarnista (327)


Nine things you didn't know about me.

1. I really really loathe meatloaf and meatballs. There's something about ground meat mixed with other weird items like eggs and breadcrumbs that makes my skin crawl.

2. I have a thing for celebrity gossip. Don't mess with my People magazine!

3. Due to the fact that I practically have amber eyes and sparkle in the sunlight like the Cullen vampires, a beach vacation is not my idea of a good time. But I love the water and enjoy swimming.

4. I always wait until the last possible second to wash my hair. I need at least a full day of disgustingness to convince me that washing it is necessary. I have always been this way. But I love the water and enjoy swimming.

5. Every time I have ever gotten a manicure I have regretted it. The polish either started peeling or chipping off immediately, or it hurt when they cut my cuticles. I got a French manicure the day before my wedding and it was already chipping by the morning of my wedding. Why? WHY? Do I have an anti-polish enzyme on my nails? Am I freakishly clumsy?

6. Whenever the server clears my plate at a restaurant, I feel a pang of sympathy. I've never been a server, but carrying away other people's dirty dishes and congealed food sounds miserable. Consequently, I am a very good tipper.

7. I have a thing about doing things correctly. If it's going to be done, I want it done correctly. I hate to admit this, but I went to a concert recently where the person was just singing and playing her guitar. She had a beautiful voice, but I couldn't take my eyes off her terrible guitar-playing form. She had her hand wrapped all the way around the neck, and was using her thumb -- her THUMB! -- to create some of the chords. A travesty of epic proportions. No matter that it sounded exactly the same, all I could see was my conservatory teacher rolling in his grave.

Except he's still alive. But if he were dead, he would have been aghast.

8. Wool socks or no socks. Cold enough for socks? Have to be wool. Too hot for wool? Then nothing.

9. I avoid most social situations. I'm not really shy, it's just that they make me uncomfortable. I like to be home. But I do like the water and enjoy swimming.


Rosie the Riveter

Look at who joined our family this weekend. Rosie, the sweet, gentle, 10-week old Chocolate Labrador puppy doggins.

The kind of doggy with soft soft ears and giant lion paws that look way too big for her body.

Since we had to put Isabel to sleep, the house has felt a little lonely with only one animal. We knew we needed a puppy so we could raise her with our adult cat.  On their first meeting, Rosie barked and Kia arched her back. Then they both sat down and regarded each other warily. But there was no chasing, no hissing, and no teeth or claws involved. I expected Kia the cat to hide under the bed for two weeks, but so far she's been too busy letting Rosie know that this is her house, her chair, her food dish, her bed, that she hasn't had time to worry about being scared.

I promise not to let this blog turn into one big puppy fest with 97 pictures per day of my dog chewing on various toys, but I wanted you to see our new baby sweetheart.

P.S. Our animals don't live in the studio, so don't worry if you're allergic to furry things.


you know you want to.

You know you want to come to the class I am teaching Saturday, July 17th. It's in Stillwater, MN, a beautiful old town nestled in the bluffs along the St. Croix River. Stillwater is about 20 miles east of St. Paul, and darn. knit. {anyway} is an adorable and welcoming shop. I encourage you to visit even if you can't make it to this event.

The class is from 10-1, and includes a light lunch and yarn samples. We'll have time for practice, questions, and perusing the special yarns I am planning to bring with me.  This class is for knitters of all levels, from beginner to advanced

I am a former high school teacher, and promise you that the class does not involve me speaking at you for three hours in a monotone voice while you fall asleep in the back row. It may, however, include impressions, accents, and humor -- I can't help it, I'm not even aware that I'm doing it anymore.

To register, you can email darn. knit. {anyway} at, or you can give them a call at 651. 342. 1386 -- they will be happy to help you. Space is limited, so please call as soon as possible to reserve your spot. Visit the shop's website at

Bring a pair of size 7 needles for the practice portion of the class, or you can purchase needles at the shop.

Here's the event flyer -- and yes, my hair is back to blonde now.

I can't wait to see you!


You'll be pleased to know...

... that I have not melted, like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Nor have I drowned trying to cool myself in the frigid waters of Lake Superior.

And neither have I lapsed into a vegetative state created by heat exhaustion.

But I've thought about it.

Contrary to popular belief, summer does come to Northern Minnesota. We don't dogsled to and from our igloos year round.

The temperatures are actually quite mild -- mid 70s (F). But inside the studio, we have many stoves and many sinks with very hot water running all the time. And while we have seven fans circulating air, two HEPA filters cleaning the air, and one industrial dehumidifier, they all produce heat as well. And standing under our task lights raises the temperature by a further ten degrees, at least.

I'm not complaining, mind you. I'm really just here to let you know that I have not melted, nor have I drowned or lapsed into a coma, despite the heat.

I've taken to wearing running shorts, which means that I have dye all over my legs.

Here's a tip from me to you: red and purple dye on your legs makes you look like you have a disease of the veins.

Brown, black, and yellow make you look like you have extensive bruising.

If you have to get dye on your legs, it's best to get bright green, which cannot be mistaken for a malady of any normal sort.

So. On to the yarn I wanted to show you. Here are a couple more of the nature-inspired colorways I mentioned in yesterday's post.

Top to bottom, dyed on Deliciousness, our 100% fine alpaca, Adorn Sock, and Springvale Bulky.

This was inspired by a purple starfish in a tidal pool, much like this one:

It has a deep browny purple and the colors of algae and rocks interspersed throughout the rest of the skein.

This colorway was inspired by a watercolor painting of a physical location, created at the request of one of our Awesome Retailers.  I'll share a picture of the painting a bit later.

Lots of greys, rusty-burgundy, pale soft silvery blues and teals, and olive green.

That's all the news that's fit to print here in the Overly Warm Working Environment. Off to buy some popsicles to help us all remain upright...

P.S. Boy Aaron would like you to know that he is going to shave his beard off tonight.

P.S.S. Thank the Lord.

P.S.S.S. Dont' tell him I said that.


get ready

For a group of nature-inspired new colorways.

The kind that are easy to knit with because anyone can wear them. They feel welcoming and comfortable.

These are not one of a kinds. You'll be able to order them through one of our Awesome Retailers. You'll be able to ensconce yourself in them, should you so desire.

More previews are coming soon!

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