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I recently took a quiz on a university website aimed at helping people identify their areas of intelligence. Any teacher or student of psychology can tell you all about Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences -- the notion that people excel at different things, and that someone who can't spell worth a darn may be able to triangulate the precise location of star G3497F in the cosmos.

I already know where my strengths (and noticeable weaknesses) lie, but I took this 49 question quiz to humor the person who sent it to me. On the quiz, you rate each statement on a scale of "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree."

The statements were relatively easy for me to rate -- I (thought) I knew myself well enough to confidently check the "Strongly Disagree" box next to the statement "I enjoy pursuing physical activities such as running or sports." (There was no question related to chocolate consumption, alas.)

When you're done with the quiz, a box pops up with your results.

Mine said:












Just like that.

Your Intelligence is Unknown.

My big, fat unknown intelligence.

I'm so special, a computer program cannot collate my answers to 49 questions and drop me into one of eight boxes.

I think this warrants a new blog tagline. Forget "A Crazy and Creative Life." From now on, the banner shall read:


The Yarnista

Of Unknown and Highly Questionable Intelligence


As soon as I can figure out how to do that...


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Reader Comments (7)

Don't fret - it means you are smarter than the computer program. Rejoice in your awesomeness! Now I'm off to see if I even recognize myself with that silly test.

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPeppermint Mocha Mama

I always unknew that about you.

I think Peppermint Mocha Mama should report back here about her results too!

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista's Mama

Er, yep, and it did tell me I was logical and good at figuring things out... proved wrong by my html trial above...!

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersarah

The link works for me! Thanks, Sarah! (You are obviously better at "technology intelligence" than I.) :)

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

I couldn't get the link at the top to work, but I did get Sarah's link to work. I love the question about "Do you like to make lists?" It should read something like "Do you obsessively make lists, revise the lists, and then start over with new lists?"

I think I live on the right-hand side of the graph. Logic, linguistic, people. I'm terrible with spatial things, depth perception, and music skills (for as much as I love music, I can't play at all).

I see where the Yarnista might confuse the computer. Stunningly talented with colors, yarn, people skills, and sense of humor, also a teacher and excellent with history, law, and grammar. :)

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmy M.

Intelligent people just can't be classified...I'm a nurse/mom and I know this. I tell my children "they taught me these things in nursing school". A long time ago. My daughter's a doctor, I'm not sure she buys this anymore.
I LOVED the links above, as I haven't been reading the Yarnista blog all that long. The one with the little window at the top of the stairs? There is a victorian home on Lafayette Square in St. Louis, MO JUST LIKE THAT. Did the same designer do these homes? Did maids live without privacy? The owner of the home I saw said it was so there would be light at the stairs and who cared about the maid (maybe once upon a time.)

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCheryl

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