you don't want to see this

Really, you don't.
Back story: when we moved to Minnesota, we took over two spaces in an empty building and connected them with French doors. There is still an empty space next to us that used to be occupied by another business. When you walk into the empty space, it looks decent enough. The floors are certainly in better shape over there than they were on this side of the wall.
There's even a glass block wall in the back.
But then comes the part you don't want to see.
Glow in the dark paintings. Of...
What? What are these? Anatomically correct butterfly aliens?
I'll take my floors any day, thank you.
See? I told you you didn't want to see it, and you didn't listen to me.
Reader Comments (31)
bahahahaha *gasp* hahahaha i want to know what kind of business was there!
Aaaahhh!!!!! That's so funny and so wrong!!! (I think one would have to be high to completely appreciate the amazingness of this mural).
OH MY!!! One can only hope that this was not a daycare!!!
oh, my.
Nice. :)
Wow. I literally sat with my mouth open for a moment. To each their own I suppose...but seriously, what kind of business was this??
Hilarious! I needed a good laugh today. It looks like something that would be in a store filled with incense, black lights, bongs and other drug paraphernalia!
HAHAHAHA. Ah, that gave me a pretty good, long laugh!
Yikes! Do you have any idea what kind of "business" was in there? I can't even hazard a guess . . .
That mural is insane!
I was not following your blog when you did your floor remodel, but I have to say that if you (or anone else reading this blog) expand into another space or something and encounter a similar situation, please be careful with "linoleum" tiles from the 50s. A lot of tiles at that time had asbestos in them. Make sure to have them tested before you go tearing them up, because breaking them will release the asbestos.
Okay, I already commented once....but the more I look at these the creepier they become. I can only imagine how creeped out you and your gang are!! The creepy people (?) riding the horse (reindeer?)...why are they only wearing what appear to be beige boots/heels? I am getting an endless amount of entertainment out of this...
OMG! It is like a car wreck... you can't look away. What the HECK are they supposed to BEEEEEE????
I think it's a good thing that space is unoccupied. I don't think the Yarnista wants to be next door to whatever kind of business would have those paintings on the wall.
Dude, was that a head shop or what?
Haha, I'm laughing so hard at Jessica's comment.
No one kill me, but I kind of like it. The illustrations are good (albeit "weird) and I especially love the neon horned reindeer and his riders.
Ok, I like them aside from their uh, wee wee's and the fact that the two large ones look as thoug they are grasping their stomachs from terrible gas pain.
What's below the radiator? Little rabbit/cat monsters?
I burst out laughing seeing those murals. How exotic. Please do tell us what kind of "business" was there before now. Too funny.
Okay, that would be kind of a cute mural if it wasn't for the wangs. People are weird.
scawwwy! vewwy, vewwy scawwy....
The business was an art gallery/art supply store, and apparently (I have not confirmed this), the murals were painted by a respected local artist. And they really do glow in the dark.