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well, darn knit anyway

It's best said with a Minnesota accent. Well, gosh darn it anyway, I better get home to put that hotdish in the oven.

Darn Knit Anyway is a great name for a store, and it also happens to be a lovely yarn shop.

It's in the charming town of Stillwater, MN flanked on one side by rocky bluffs and on the other by the St. Croix river.

I especially happen to like this store because of what they had in the front window.

What -- could it be? Spring Rainbow miniskeins on Wexford Merino Silk? In the front window of Darn Knit Anyway in the charming town of Stillwater, MN flanked by rocky bluffs and the St. Croix river?

Why yes. Yes, it is.

Am I dreaming? Because if I am, don't wake me up.

On Saturday, I drove to Stillwater from my home in Duluth. It took me a little over two hours, and it was well worth the trip. I was there to conduct a workshop on knitting with hand dyed yarn.

This is Aimee. She owns Darn Knit Anyway, and she is as fun and helpful as can be. I did not get a picture of her other employees, who nicely put up with my shenanigans and ran out to buy me a coffee and helped me wind yarn for the better part of the morning.

In Minnesota parlance, these are some real, real nice gals.

The shop is in a historic building, and it has a lot of light and charm. It's a wonderful size, with two levels, a classroom area, a knitting corner, and an awesome children's space. (Thank you, yarn shop owners who put out some toys for the kids!)

Darn Knit Anyway also sells fabric and has a great selection of books, tools for felting, and charming accessories.

I could work here. Aimee, if I ever need a job, I'm calling you.

OK, here's the crazy part. Ready?

People actually paid money to come to this workshop. Paid good money to listen to me talk about yarn. This is astounding.

And here's the super crazy part. Some of these people traveled a long, long way to hear me talk about yarn. This wasn't one of those, "Hey, I can't think of anything else to do this Saturday morning," this was, "I shall drive a long way and pay money to attend the event in which Sharon shall talk about yarn for three hours."

People came from as far away as Iowa and Ohio, and from many parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin.

In my book, that is a long, long way.

I love you guys.

This was the nicest groups of knitters. They were friendly, inquisitive, and laughed appropriately at my attempts at humor. They also knit with ugly yarn when I told them to. How's that for nice?

(Seriously, the yarn was UH-GLY. I made it ugly on purpose to illustrate a point.)

We ate lunch together. They promised they would tell me if I got food on my face. No one said anything, so I either had no food on my face or they lied when they said they would tell me. I think it's the former.

Afterwards I let them look at some of the non-ugly yarn. Deep down, I'm a very nice person.

I brought a bunch of new fall colorways, and also a bunch of Carpe Yarnem colorways -- colorways that can never be duplicated.

Darn Knit Anyway still has some skeins left. I suggest a visit or a call or an email.

I had an amazing time. Thank you so much to the attendees and to Darn Knit Anyway!

This weekend I'm off to Bobbin's Nest Studio in Santa Clara, CA, for another workshop and trunk show! Who's in?


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Reader Comments (11)

OH.MY! What an absolutely gorgeous yarn store! It looks so welcoming and comfortable!! :)
And I am so jealous of everyone who was there meeting you & playing with your yarn!!

July 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRhonnie

What a lovely store! I'm jealous too - I would love to attend something like this. Looks like some gorgeous squishables were out - did many come back with you?

July 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

Adding to bucket list: visit Stillwater, MN...

July 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen

It's Monday evening and I'm just home from my lovely weekend in Stillwater. What a wonderful workshop in a wonderful yarn store! I learned an awful lot about how yarn is dyed and how to select projects that work with hand-dyed yarn. And I had the best time looking at some really beautiful yarn - and even got to bring some home! How great is that. If you have have a chance to go to one of Sharon's workshop - go! Well done and really informative. I left feeling like I was a better knitter. I really hope one day some yarn stores in Ohio start to carry Three Irish Girls!

July 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

What a wonderful building filled with wonderful yarn and fibery things. I wish that I could have been there as well. I am sure that everyone that attended walked away feeling as if they now have a new friend in addition to all of the knowledge that you shared with them. Still hoping that the stars align someday and we can be in the same place at the same time to share a cup of coffee and a bit of conversation.

July 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPatty (rugersmom)

What a fantastic shop! And I am also more likely to make a shop *my* LYS if they have somewhere for the kiddos. I can't wait to see the workshop here in Cali! Just a few more days. . .

July 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterangela

Now the big much time did you end up allowing for your drive? :)

July 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

Oh My!! I try to get to Stillwater when I visit Minnesota (once a year) and I'd like to be able to say I came to see you all the way from San Diego, but alas I'm finding out too late....I can tell by the responses that it must have been a WAY GOOD TIME!!! What a gorgeous store; I'm telling my sister-in-law and nieces who are close by in St. Paul :)!!!

It took me just a little over two hours to get there, but there was no traffic at all. It went by in a flash!

July 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

So no 4 am departure for you, then? :) The husband is insane.

July 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

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