You know it's bad.

You know it's bad when you get emails from people saying, "PLEASE! Please update your blog! I need a fix!"
You know it's bad when your very own husband says, "So, do you have people emailing yet, asking you to update your blog? Because it's been a week."
You know it's bad when you get a bill from your web host for almost $6,000 because your website had over eight million page views during the month of January.
You know it's bad when your web host charges $6,000 for eight million page views, and that your shopping cart system is proprietary to them, so you're stuck with them unless you want to change shopping cart systems again.
But I have more pressing things to tell you. Things like:
1. My glasses are broken. I tried using super glue, and that solved one of the problems, but created another: now my glasses won't fold closed. It's a very chic thing, to have broken glasses. You should all go out and break your glasses right now, so that you can be as hip and fantastic as I.
2. We had a fantastic time at our workshop on Saturday. Darn Knit Anyway is a great yarn shop run by great people, and all of the attendees were so fantabulous.
They did not make fun of my hair, which was horrific because I got up at 5:00 am to wash it, and when I got to Stillwater, MN, I couldn't find a bathroom with an outlet so that I could do something with it. It was a big staticky mess, but you know what? We had fun anyway. So there. Bad hair will not ruin your life if you choose not to let it.
I'll have pictures to show you soon.
Of the workshop, not the hair.
3. Black licorice -- the real stuff, not the artificially flavored drugstore junk -- makes your tongue numb. I may or may not have discovered this today.
4. I am currently coveting something I cannot have. Or, something I will not allow myself to have, because it is entirely frivolous and very expensive, and even though I am a master at justifying expenditures, I cannot come up with a good reason for this one.
It could be this amazing turquoise and pink and green china.
Or it could not be.
Or it could be.
I'd ask you for help coming up with answers to justify the expense of bone china, but really, I have three kids and a giant horsedog, and by the time I saved up enough money to get place settings for all of us, the kids will be grown, and I'll be sitting old and alone in my dining room with just the newspaper, my husband, and some 30 year old china for company. But my husband would probably be too afraid to break the china, so he'd be eating on some plastic nonsense he bought for $.99 at Target.
5. I find it amusing that the place I used to live has had more snow than the place I live now. And the people in the place I used to live made fun of me for moving to this place because of the terrible winters. Ha. I see your snow and I raise you some horrible cold!
6. My firstborn child is almost five feet tall. He wears a men's size nine shoe. He is eight. Something is wrong with this picture.
Oh wait, I found the problem. It's the genetic code of his two giant parents! Whew!
I will be a better blogger from here on out. Girl Scout's honor.

I believe I have located the source of the massive bandwidth increase, so please keep your fingers crossed that we can get everything sorted out.
No one should feel bad! Cross that off your list of things to worry about. :)

Reader Comments (21)
girl, i know it's beautiful, but have you lost your mind???? for the very sane reasons you have mentioned above, there really isnt one good justifiable reason for that kind of expenditure. Go to Target and be done with it, you crazy girl :) he is 8 and is 5 ft tall!!! can you just picture him eating off of bone china?? come on back down to earth my dear! from a mother of 4, believe me, i know!
I know, JoAnn, it's crazy.
Covet, covet, covet.
Bad Yarnista!
8 Million?!? 8 MILLION!?!?
Um, that was us hitting F5 during Carpe Yarnem, wasn't it? Um, I'm sorry?
(But I'm not sorry that I got like 5 skeins of fabulous yarn!)
And I'll try to cut down on my stalking around the middle of the month. (New colorways? Maybe now. Not yet? Maybe now?)
The china is also fabulous! But perhaps not family-friendly. ;)
Ah dear Yarnista,
I will enable you: CLEARLY this china is a must as a study in the placement of color in an overall design.You, a dedicated professional dyer could NOT be expected to overlook the opportunity to study this use of color.
PS Why don't you get just one cup and saucer (and, at some point, a sugar bowl/creamer/plate) and use it at work....
I say buy one place setting of the beautiful china, display the plates and use the cup for tea on those Very Special Days where you need a perfect tea cup. It is beautiful and inspiring, and that, is sometimes priceless.
My first knitting teacher always told me-if you see something you like, buy it because it won't be there when you go back. She of course was talking about yarn and patterns but I think it also applies to china!
Dearest Yarnista, I would rather have snow than temperature of minus zero and winds and ice. Although the snow will probably turn to ice. Then we must deal with all the fallen trees that have taken down the power lines and people that have left their cars on the sides of the roads because of gridlock during the storm. The shining star in this is that Schools are Closed and have been since Wednesday! WooHoo!
If it makes you happy to eat from beautiful bone china, then so be it. There is no point in having beautiful things and not using them. Perhaps just a couple of place settings to start ...
Perhaps a tea cup and saucer would be the perfect fix so you can enjoy a little bit of the beautiful china every day! Just think of all the china your web host can buy!!
You know, the blue in that china is Totally you.
You do realize that I will now be trying to find out what the pattern is and who makes the lovely china. This is not frivolous, though it may be expensive. Money, however, is a replaceable commodity and you can dye more yarn and have more money because you know that we will stand in line to purchase.
If it makes your soul happy, you should have at least one place setting. And if it means that you have soup and toasted cheese and a cup of coffee on it some night when you are home without the family, so what? It brings you joy; and joy is a wonderful thing!!
Sounds to me like we all need to cut down on F5-ing during Carpe Yarnem. . .or you need to figure out how to span it over a break in months. . .like Dec. 31 - Jan. 1 then you're techincally in TWO months, right? :)
Also have to add that the colors in the china are beautiful! And I agree. . .you could display the plates and use the cup and saucer for lovely "at work" tea. . .:)
Oh my :( I feel so horrible. That's terrible that they charged so much for that event...they should have hung out with us...then they'd have had fun instead of being busy charging you too many $$.
I think that if you love that china set then like others said you should get just a setting or cup/saucer for you :) It's nice to have something pretty every now and then :)
We're sorry we blogged so mu;ch (no, we're not!) - we did miss you (we really did!) - and are glad you're back!
No, no, we didn't BLOG so much, we checked YOUR blog so much. We probably won't stop
Pass on the dishes. I too had very special China I tried to "covet" when I was raising 3 children and a HUSBAND! Each piece of China seemed to break during a very significant time inflating the situation even more. There is so much less stress on kids growing up when a dish gets broken with "ordinary" china. A broom and kind words while sweeping it up is a lot easier on everyone than trying to hide the tears and disappointment over the coveted china on the floor.
I have my mother's Rosenthal china. Never use it because it can't go in the dishwasher! It's lovely though. But with an 8 year old girl and an 11 year old boy....When I do get out the china once a year, the adults use that, and the kids use the IKEA dishes!
That IS beautiful china! (Could it be Aynsley?) My suggestion: Scope out the estate sales. You can find some lovely, and more reasonably priced, china that way. Maybe not this one exactly, but you never know...
Get the china. You'll stop thinking about it and have more time and mindspace for other things (not necessarily other things to covet) like yarn colorways! For us to covet! Even just one place setting for yourself. You can always add to it.
We want to see the pictures - OF YOUR HAIR!! I always feel like I'm the only one who has SUPER bad hair days. (I;m all thumbs when it comes to blow-drying, so when the hair turns out okay, believe me, it's pure luck.)
I inherited beautiful china eight years ago, which I've used once. They all have to be washed by hand because if you put them in the dishwasher, it takes the gold trim off. Ask me how I know.