
Generally speaking, I'm a well mannered individual.
Except when I behave like a crackhead.
Trader Joe's Sea Salt Turbinado Dark Chocolate Almonds. These turn me into a crackhead. When anyone I know makes a pilgrimage to the big city three hours south of here, I make them buy me several containers. It doesn't matter if they were planning on going to Trader Joe's or not, they have to buy them for me anyway.
You know me? You're headed south? You're buying these. Don't mess with a crackhead.
In the absence of my drug of choice, this is a close second. Same concept -- dark chocolate, almonds, sugar, and salt. Crack.
Mocha Lattes. All the better if they come with a little picture in the foam. Crackhead!
Turquoise? Crackhead!
Le Creuset cookware? Crackhead!
That professional gas range? Crack.Head.
Seeing yarn I dyed made into pretty things?
Absolute, unapologetic crackhead.

Reader Comments (26)
Some of your peeps will be together this weekend in Mass, where I believe there is a Trader Joe's. You could hop a plane and join us or we could send you back some crack. Your choice... ;)
love those mittens!
what would you like from England?
Things that turn me into a crackhead? Seeing something I knit on the Yarnista's blog!!! :) I just did a happy dance...I'm such a dork.
Why, oh why do you need to be so evil as to SHARE stuff like NOW I have to go to Trader Joe's, buy some of these amazing-looking chocolate almond things and indulge when I'm TRYING to lose 20 lbs!!! It's just evil of you.
I'm with Colleen...there's no Trader Joe's nearby, but Target has the Ghirhardelli crack. As if I didn't have enough crack sources already... ;)
Oh please, please, please - what is the mitten pattern and the yarn????
I'll send you crack if you tell me! We have a TJ's here!
OH, and I'll take that kitchen too
You are cracking me up here! I too, am sssooo addicted to the chocolate/sea salt almonds at Trader Joe's! Thankfully, I only have to drive an hour to get them ;-)
Given how loyal and generous your fans are, I predict you are about to receive a deluge of Trader Joe's almonds and Ghirardelli chocolate.
Genia, I found those mittens in our Flickr gallery. Maybe the knitter, Liz Arrow, can help!
Genia- The mitten pattern is All the Water by Kristen Kapur and the yarn is Springvale Super Merino in "Slight of Hand" (a club color). :) Great pattern, and knits up really quick! And of course, amazing yarn to work with ;)
Oh my, I want that kitchen! And the yarn, and the coffee, and the chocolate.... ;-)
Patty is right...there is a Trader Joe's nearby.
I know I like you! too. everything!
PLEASE! I must know everything there is to know about that cardigan! Pattern? Colorway? I must have!
Uhm, yeah, I must clarify - the twin cities is NOT three hours away from you. Is that why you don't come down to see me? You think it is too far? Hmmmm......anyway. I suppose Trader Joe's nearly is if you go to Woodbury though. They really need to put one in Roseville.
Thank you, Liz! Thank you, Yarnista! Hugs to you both. Whoosh - here I go to get that pattern.
Now, where do I get the kitchen? ;o)
Jen, I don't know the name of the pattern, but the yarn is Winter Quince Blossom on Springvale Worsted.
Steph, if you live hear a TJ's, you must hook a friend up with those almonds!