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It's almost turkey day...

And because I'm at Disney World with my children right now, what better time to think about Thanksgiving centerpieces?

Is that normal?

We are having the best -- most exhausting -- time, and I know that as soon as I return, Thanksgiving preparations will be in full swing. I am hosting again this year, which means a house full of two horsedogs, seven adults, and seven kids under the age of nine.

Here's what I've accomplished so far:

1. Ordered the free range turkey from the local butcher.

2. That is all.

3. Nothing else.

I can say, however, that my dining room is in considerably better shape than it was last Thanksgiving.

All of this is gone:

And so is all of this:

That table and chairs are gone, too. Sadly, the light fixture will remain until after Thanksgiving, when an electrician can come install the new chandelier. I don't trust my electrical skills in this regard.

In fact, I don't trust my electrical skills at all, because I have no electrical skills, and it's unlikely that I will develop confidence in my electrical skills in the next two weeks.

But here are some things I can do:

1. Cook without poisoning people.

2. Set a table.

3. Ignore football.

4. Compile ideas for the above.

Like this, for example. Great, inexpensive place cards. I would have to use faux leaves from the craft store, as most of the leaves are gone in Northern Minnesota.






Here's a simple way to dress up your silverware. I have a million odds and ends of ribbon, and this is a good way to use up stash.





Must. Find. A. Way. To. Make. A. Dessert. Table. Simple burlap linens. The key to any buffet table is making sure you have several heights on the table. You can use overturned boxes or buckets. You could stack books. It doesn't matter, because you're covering it up with the burlap.


Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest




I adore the blue plates here. Remember our discussion about blue and orange ?

I love the little berries tucked in between the plate and the charger.





White pumpkins are everywhere this year, have you noticed that? These are dressed up with white candles. This look is less traditional... more elegant.





Love this idea for the kid's table. You could have the little circle cards all cut out and ready to go and have the kids work on coloring them while they're waiting for dinner.


Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest




You could pull this off with a permanent calligraphy pen. This is rustic, so it doesn't matter if it's perfect. Easy.





Another simple centerpiece idea -- just gourds, berries, and ribbon.


Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest





You could use faux or real leaves here -- just make sure the branches are cut at slightly different heights.


Source: via Yarnista on Pinterest




And I love this idea a lot. Jones Design Company has free printable cards that say "I am thankful for". You could have them out when guests are arriving and then hang them from a branch tree for others to see.





All of this is making me hungry.

What are your favorite Thanksgiving traditions?

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Reader Comments (5)

Pumpkin Pie Martinis. The vodka is infusing as we speak! That way nobody cares that my decorating skills are blah, and everyone thinks our cooking is amazing! ;) Also, we live far away from family, so we make our own family, by inviting others who are "orphaned" far from their families. We end up with a house full of people who are having fun.

November 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAngela

I love your centerpiece ideas, thanks. I have a bunch of small pumpkins that I can use . Be prepared for snow when you get back 1-3" on the way.

November 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterterri

Well, my Thanksgiving traditions have always been your Thanksgiving traditions, but I love all that you posted here. Since you've already ordered the turkey, should I bring Free Range Manna Rolls this year? Or Antibiotic-free Bulgur Rolls? Or will Mrs. Nisky be making Nisky's Biscuits?

November 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista's Mama

Gorgeous photos that put me in the mood for some holiday cheer! The white pumpkins are quite fantastic.

November 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterartfulscribe

I love the white pumpkins with white candles idea! And the chargers. And would implement all of this if I hadn't done away with our dining table. Hmmm what will we eat on? And are you going to share your new wall color or did I miss that post? How wonderful to be in Disney! I ordered our free-range turkey too!

November 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEllen

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