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things I have decided

1. When beginning an essay, it is important to state very clearly what your topic is. Then the reader will know what to expect. In this essay, you can expect to read about things I have decided and decisions I have made, either or.

2. I have decided to investigate why my winter coat persistently smells like bacon, despite a lack of bacon consumption around my winter coat.

3. I have made a decision that I will henceforth attempt to cease eating cookies between the hours of 7:00 pm and 7:00 am. While this goal is a lofty one and will necessitate the use of superhuman strength of will, I feel confident I can reach the summit and remain there for at least one twelve hour stretch. *Also see decision number seven. If I fail in my attempt to cease eating cookies, I shall punish myself with an extra hour of knitting each night.

4. I have decided that this hat is entirely too cute for its own good, and I must have one urgently, so I can look just as charming here in the frozen North.

Summer Sky

That hat would work on my face shape, right?

5. I have made a decision that I will demand that you each make your own yarn wreaths, just as Anyssa did here.

Anyssa's Wreath

Anyssa is a good girl who follows directions, and thusly receives the following two items as compensation:

-- Dessert

-- Yarn from Three Irish Girls

Here is a link to the wreath tutorial so you can begin complying with my demands.

6. I have made a decision to use the following slogan on all forthcoming advertisements:

Three Irish Girls: Might As Well Start 'Em Young.

An adorable baby girl

This baby clearly illustrates the restorative effects our yarn has on an infant's constitution.

7. I have decided that I shall attempt to refrain from eating cookies between the hours of midnight and five AM. That leaves me more time for cookie eating.

8. I have decided to eat cookies now because it is not yet midnight.

9. I have decided to sign off of my blog because it is not yet midnight and time still remains in the Cookie Consumption Window.

10. In this essay, I included information about things I have decided and decisions I have made. You now know about all the things I have decided and can leave a comment below. This concludes this essay about decisions.

Thank you.


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Reader Comments (10)

Oh yay! Thank you for including the picture of Kyra in her 3IG hat. I love that picture of her, and I think she perfectly displays the happy effects of Three Irish Girls on infants. :)

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmy M.

Look at those cheeks! You must kiss her 53 times per day! I insist!

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

What pattern is the children's hat that the little girl is wearing? I tried to click the link but I got a big error message. I love it!

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKristi

Thank you for my morning giggle - and gratuitous baby photo - Oh what a smile! 3IG has that effect on big girls,too.
And I'm off to bake some cookies. Too many references not to. And there's no way to compete with that wreath. Amazing!

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCarol

Sorry about that, Kristi! I've fixed the link now. Here it is again:

February 9, 2011 | Registered CommenterYarnista

I feel famous! Thanks Sharon, the inspiration is all *you*! Hmmm.... yarn and dessert..... two of my most favorite things, in that order. Since mid December I have not been able to stop shoving chocolate in my mouth. It is most unlike me. I usually get a handle on it after Christmas, but for some reason, this year I can't stop. The same goes for yarn.......I can't stop buying it. I don't think it's a bad thing?

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnyssa

I love both those hats! And I have cookies! LOL

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterShaine

Oh you made me laugh this evening... I can beat you on the cookie front however - I have given them up COMPLETELY and it's killing me, but I have to lose weight to fit into some new pants I bought from Lands End which I'm too darned mean to send back....and I would really love to be slim again :) Love your website by the way!

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHelen in Switzerland

I love your list making penchant.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJessica Powers

Thank you so much for including my hat (pictured on my 7 year old).
For those who were wondering, it's the Stella Pixie Hat from Vintage Baby Knits (available free on ravelry and on an etsy blog). The alterations I used (inspired by Meg at Sew Liberated) are explained in my blog post that Sharon linked in the comments.

BTW, Sharon, I didn't realize you had lived in DC--that is where I am from (Arlington).
I have another hat in the works, this time with Alice (I think Galenas Chunky). Love, love your yarn!

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNancy / summer sky

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