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Project inspiration + giveaway!

There are so many amazing knitting projects out there. I could make a profession out of being a knitting voyeur.

But my favorites are the projects knit from our yarn. Like this, knit with our new bamboo cotton fingering.


Or this, a Samovar knit from Springvale DK. The larger gauge made it a beautiful baby blanket for the knitter's niece.


I'm in love with weaving with hand dyed yarns. All of the colors, none of the pooling.


Look at the curls! The chubby cheeks!

And the sweater is adorable too.


Riordan is such a great colorway for dudes of all ages.


A: Amazing original design.

B: Great color on you, jimiknits.

Sweaters! For twin babies! I love babies!

I especially love babies in sweaters.


I had the pleasure of seeing this in person. I would wear this baby every day if she were mine. (Another Samovar.)


Here's what to make with one skein of awesome yarn. Fingerless mitts are great for cold hands at the keyboard.

Am I the only one with that problem?


And here's what to make for cold hands everywhere else. I'm a sucker for a great cable.


Which brings me to our contest!

We're giving away three super sweet prizes:

1. A $100 gift certificate to anything in our store.

2. A three month membership to the club of your choice.

3. Three skeins of a custom dyed colorway on Springvale Worsted or Adorn Sock.

Here's what you have to do to enter. You must complete all the steps to be entered to win.

1. Between now and midnight Pacific Time on September 7th, 2011, upload your finished project photos into our Flickr pool. Feel free to upload more than one picture of your project, but only one of the pics will be eligible to win.

2. One picture from each finished project already in the Flickr pool will automatically be entered. (No need to upload again.)

3. Projects can be of any nature, and can be knit, crocheted, or woven. But they must be completed. I love me some handspun yarn, but the yarn needs to be made into something other than yarn.

4. In the description under each photo, please include: the colorway name, the yarn type, and the pattern name. If you made up the pattern as you went along, you can just say it's a personal pattern.

5. I love seeing pictures on Ravelry and on your blogs, but in order to be entered to win this contest, the projects must be in our Flickr pool. (It's free and easy to join.)

6. The finished projects must either be made from Three Irish Girls yarns, or from one of our patterns.

Three winners will be randomly chosen on September 8th, 2011.

Have at it!

And thanks for feeding my knitting voyeurism addiction.


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    Awesome Web-site, Carry on the wonderful job. thnx.

Reader Comments (20)

I'm guessing you only want finished objects made from 3IG yarns, right?

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNutellaNutterson

Thanks for asking! 3IG yarns or patterns! I'll update that now.

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

You mean I'm supposed to knit with the yarn, as opposed to simply collect it and pet it?! Huh. I may have to try that..

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

It is one option, Heather. But certainly not mandatory!

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

WAAAHHHHH... I don't have any of your gorgeous yarn just yet to knit with... and I doubt that I could do any of your gorgeous patterns in less than a week... even if I have a 3-day weekend coming up and I'm a fast knitter LOL.

Ah well, let's hope you'll do a great contest like this another time!

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEva

I love those fingerless mitts - the perfect style for me. How can I find the pattern for them?

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercraftykaren

Aren't those mitts beautiful?

They are listed as a personal pattern on Ravelry, so it doesn't look like they're available. I do like these from Twist Collective, too: Northstar

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

I am looking forward to seeing the pictures. I have 5 skeins of Springvale DK in Gulf of Mexico. I can't decide on what to knit with it for me, so I am hoping for some inspiration.

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPenny

Oh boy! I was just introduced to your yarns about 6 weeks ago, and fell in love immediately! Many a project planned, and already have a stash of started... Now question is, how can I get your gorgeous yarns in Chicago?????

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGillian

Next time you should do started projects that have been sitting on the needles for at least a month... I have lots of those! I am ALMOST finished my grownup sized sweater in Lindon Merino - in Flourish. It is BEAUTIFUL! But I don't think it will be done by Tuesday. I will try though... Off to knit now...

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmy A

Gillian, try Windy Knitty! ( I'll also be teaching there on 9/13!

August 31, 2011 | Registered CommenterYarnista

Are all the pictures on the Gallery to be used or just those entered this week? I have some up but will put them up again if it's by time they were entered.

Great contest. Good way to help some people finish their UFOs.

September 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLoraine

Forgot to say, love all the projects pictured. We are some lucky knitters/crocheters to have such good yarn to use. Makes our hands and hearts happy.

September 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLoraine

Gillian, I misstated the date I'll be in Chicago -- it's 9/17!

Loraine, the completed projects already in the Flickr pool will be entered. But they need to have the colorway name, yarn type, and pattern name in the descriptions. One picture of each project is eligible.

September 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

So, 3IG pattern but other yarn - is that okay?

Just uploaded a bunch of photos but I am realizing how many projects I never took FO pictures of. Eek!

September 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAbigail

Yes, that's fine, Abigail!

September 1, 2011 | Registered CommenterYarnista

That was fun going back through my 3IG projects! <3

September 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

oh, and I forgot to ask? What about handspun yarn that is not yet knit or woven but is spun from your fiber? Any interest in that being posted?

September 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

Heather, I'd love to see it -- feel free to upload! But it doesn't count for the purpose of this contest. :)

September 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

So excited to see my fingerless mitts featured! I love the pattern & have made two pair out of that yarn- so far.

craftykaren- the pattern is Susie's Reading Mitts & is free on ravelry

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

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