I'm a wild and crazy gal

Clue #1: I used the word "gal." The fact that I used that word means that I am becoming, incrementally, more like my mother, who uses the word all the time.
Which is not a bad thing, not at all. My mother is a wonderful person.
But y'all, she goes to bed at 6:30 pm. SIX THREE ZERO. It's just a matter of time before I'm eating dinner at 4:45 and in my nightgown by 6:15.
What am I going to do with an extra five hours of sleep? I think I might feel too rested. Is there such a thing? Mom, what bad things will happen if I suddenly start getting too much shut eye?
Clue #2: When I travel, I love to sit alone in my hotel room with a chocolate delicacy of some sort, noshing, knitting, and watching Netflix.
Even when I'm visiting a big city with a plethora of entertainment options, this is always what I pick to do.
And that is because I am a very wild and crazy gal. Almost Katy Perry-esque. Nearly Lady Gaga in my wildness and my craziness.
Clue #3: I'm doing a trunk show in my hometown of Duluth, MN this Saturday. When I'm done, I fully intend to get into some yoga pants, plant my behind on the sofa, finish season one of Mad Men (OK, so I'm behind the times), and eat a pint of Haagen Dazs.
While not knitting.
I just heard the collective gasp of the interwebs.
Watch TV and NOT simultaneously knit?
What will happen, interwebs?
Will the knitting police arrest Yarnista?
Will a meteor destroy the earth?
I honestly don't know, but I intend to find out.
See? Always pushing the envelope, I am. One of these days I'm going to show up at an event in a dress made entirely of... yarn.
What other wild and crazy mischief can I get myself into? I'm open to suggestions!

Reader Comments (8)
I love the last photo of you in the car & the one in Chicago is beautiful.Wild & crazy love it the girls are so cute.
rinebird on Rav
I was extremely confused for about 10 seconds when I went to read your blog and saw my own mug on it. Yikes.
Yes, I have turned into an early to bedder, but 6:30 is pushing it. If I could choose, 8:30 would be a good time. Recently I've stayed up later than I have in years because I've been playing Words With Friends with you...very addicting.
I like your idea of what to do in an interesting big city...it must be genetic. When Dad and I were in Scotland we saw one touristy thing each day, then I was always happy and relieved when we could go back to our bed and breakfast/inn room to have tea, read in bed, watch the BBC, and eat shortbread.
What bad things will happen if you start getting five extra hours of sleep at night? I'm not sure I can come up with a long list, but I know for sure if you start going to bed at 6:30 every night, your daughters will grow up and make fun of you on their blogs.
Because those are the kind of gals that spring from this family. :)
LOL!!! Love it :)
Well if that's your idea of wild & crazy then we will be partying together ;)
I think I love our Mom. Even though we have not yet met, and will not be able to meet this weekend at your awesome event. :(
Also- WORDS WITH FRIENDS?? I love Words With Friends!! My user name is KnitterMai. I hereby challenge both of you to WWF!
LOL!! Love this!!!!
Does this mean I have to go to bed at 6:30 too? Who will do the dinner dishes? Help the kids with their homework? Good Lord, does this mean the kids are in charge until their 8 pm bedtime? I don't recall seeing any of this in the prenup....
Perhaps the children will do the dinner dishes and then nicely tuck themselves into bed? Possible?
Also, isn't spending some quiet time at the hotel at the end of the evening what everyone does? I think they should. I went to a conference recently, and I was back from evening events by 9 or 10 for just this purpose. Others stayed out later to continue socializing, and this mystifies me.
Mr. Yarnista- I believe Julie Andrews is scheduled to arrive in October to have the children do the dishes and homework, then serenade everyone as they tuck themselves into bed.