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super top secret surprise announcement!

I've been promising for the better part of a week to deliver a very important announcement today. It is Valentine's Day, a day set aside for eating vast quantities of pink and red wrapped chocolates, delivering mushy cards, and secretly hoping for a flower delivery. (I am the lucky recipient of all three.)

So happy Valentine's Day to you. I hope it's filled with undying love, romance, cupid, restaurant desserts, happiness, etc.

OK. On to more pressing things.

I have a very important question to ask you.

Here's the question:

Which of these is a picture of me?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:


And because I'm a nice Yarnista, I'm going to just go ahead and help you figure this out.

Option 1: If I were an pudgy middle aged man -- and that is a big if -- I would not be wearing a speedo.

Or that crucifix. Do men think this is attractive to women? Men who are reading this, let me tell you: women do not think this is attractive. Ever. Under any circumstances. Ever.

Option 2: If I were a chocolate colored equine-canine -- and that is a big if -- I think I would have more modesty than this. Have some pride, girl!


Option 3: If I were Jillian Michaels -- which I am not, let's just clear that up -- I would call my workout DVDs something other than "Shred." Shredded is how I like cheese on my tacos. I do not prefer my humans to be put through food processors.


Option 4: Huh. Would you look at that. That looks suspiciously like the color of the studio wall from my Lookbook profile picture.

If that were me -- and at this point, I'm admitting that it is -- I would say that looks suspiciously like a new Irish baby is on the way. Like maybe, oh, about five months from now?


And because I know you're curious, as I am,

We don't know yet, but we will sometime in the next couple of weeks.

And because I know you have other questions like,

"Don't you already have a bunch of kids?" and "How are you going to run a company in this condition?" and "Will I still get my yarn?", I'll try to allay some of your fears.

Yes, I do already have three children. If my math is correct, this will be my fourth child. So by today's standards, four children is more than the national average. But this is not my 19th child, so let's not get carried away with the shock and awe. I know a woman who raised five sons to adulthood, and she likes to say, "One child takes all your time and money. Five children take all your time and money." And that is true enough.

When this little one comes along, my bigger kids will be 10, 8, and 5, so I'll have some built in helpers. (And they'll all be school age come September.) We did, however, give away every scrap of baby gear before we moved to Minnesota two years ago, so we must once again allow our house to be overrun with tiny clothes that need washing nine times a day, toys that rattle, and all manner of baby holding, baby safety, and baby carrying devices.

While it's been five years since I've had my own little one, I can remember through the haze of early onset dementia that I appear to be developing, that this necessary hemorrhage of money and space is very, very worth it.

Also, I am the official baby holder of Three Irish Girls, remember? (Here's a tip: Be extraordinarily careful about which titles you bestow upon yourself!)

I started this business when my first child was a toddler, and simultaneously worked dyeing yarn and teaching high school (you can read the story starting here, if you want) for years and years, so the fact that I will only be working one job this time is of great help.

Owning my own business also gives me the flexibility to work around the baby's needs -- I can bring him or her with me, they can nap in my office, they can spend half the day in a sling or on my back if they want to, and when they're big enough, they can stay home with daddy, who works from home.

The take away here is that I've successfully had (cute, healthy, sweet) children under much more challenging circumstances than this one. Besides, after three kids and over 1,000 babies held, I'm a veteran mama bear.

Yes to a few other things:

Yes, you will still get your yarn.

Yes, the spring collection is still coming shortly.

Yes, we are still publishing all the patterns we planned on.

I've been pregnant for a while, you just haven't known it. All is well.

So, there you go. My super top secret surprise announcement.  Yay!

Closing my eyes and hitting publish...

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Reader Comments (96)


February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGwen

Congratulations! I hope you continue to feel well. Thanks for sharing the great news!

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie

SUPER DUPER CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Totally worth the wait. XD

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCyprienne

I knew which picture was you immediately! Congratulations and good health to both of you!! BTW--I am the one who didn't get my set of commemorative royalty visit yarns. They came within the week after I emailed you, and they are spectacular. I will very soon start knitting with them. For me. Thank you.

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKathy Sue

Congratulations Sharon! Very happy for you and your family!

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Oh Sharon I am SOOO excited for you! You make the most incredibly adorable babies! And hey, if I can do this with 10, then you can do 4 with one hand tied behind your back, right? LOL

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercatherine

Hey, all the hip mamas have four kids. That way you have lots of help toting yarn to and fro in the studio. Start 'em out young!

Congrats to you & your whole family! I can't wait to see the latest addition.

Pressing question: If this Irish Baby is a girl will you have to change your business name? Inquiring minds want to know!

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatie @ Yarn Love

Wow! Congratulations!

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRandi

Heartfelt congratulations!

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRachel H.

Congratulations! The nicest thing about having your own baby is that there's no one to say "no" when you ask "Can I hold the baby?"

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth GM

Congratulations! As a mom of 4, I know you will continue to be a great mom to all, to run your company as you always have and to get that yarn shipped out. I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl!

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMargaret

I'm so happy for you Sharon! Congratulations! I'm sure you'll make another baby just as beautiful as all your yarn - hehe.

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

How wonderful! Congratulations to you and the family!! I had to laugh at your reference to 19 kids - I'm from Arkansas as is that family..... since I didn't have any children, others are taking my 2.5 kids average LOL.

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTorre in MD

Congrats! I too have four kids and the older ones are built in helpers. Enjoy the pregnancy and I hope all things go well.

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfolksmith

Congratulations times a thousand! I hope this wonderful behbeh likes Bloody Mary potato chips and that the Mama is having an easy pregnancy. My absolute best wishes for a happy, healthy Wee Yarnista.

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Congrats Yarnista! You know if you have sugar cravings who to call! ;) Congrats congrats congrats! (I'd say jealous but you did say be careful how you word things). YAY! (btw, the bf looked at me nutso after I cheered on the sofa in the middle of his video game at random then looked at me even sillier when I told him my Yarnista was pregnant. Apparantly it's no big deal to menfolk)

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNicole (FairyofYarn)

Congrats! :) Yay for new babies!

Can I just say the minute I saw the hairy man belly, I knew that you were pregnant? Is that weird? :)

Here's to a easy delivery, and lots of sleep. :)

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

Dear Sharon, I'm so very, very, very happy for you. I'm sure the newest one will be just as beautiful/sweet/wonderful as the other three. Congratulations to you and your husband!

February 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGenia

P.S. If it's a girl, will the name of the business change?? ;o)

February 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGenia

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