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Thanks for nothing, winter.

Dear Winter,

Earlier today I made myself a list of things I wanted to be sure and mention when I wrote this letter to you.

Normally, you provide Northern Minnesota, which I should like to add is at 46 degrees north latitude, with more than 80 inches of snowfall each year. This year, you've decided that we owe you snow? We have a negative snowfall balance? Snowverdraft?

What did we long-suffering Duluthians do to deserve this? Have we not suffered through endless months of below zero temperatures since the dawn of the modern era?

Thirty-four degrees above zero is certainly a balmy start to a February. But my kids can't go outside and play in 34 degrees and drizzle. My horsedogs come back in, all disappointed in the lack of snow in which to frolic, and wipe their muddy paws on my upholstery. I want to punch you in the face.

And the worst part? Spring is not around the corner. We both know it. No crocuses will be peeking their heads above ground in the next couple of weeks. Buds will not be returning to the trees.

No. And because we're in snowverdraft, any precipitation you were thinking of delivering will most certainly be diverted to a portion of the world that is not at 46 degrees north latitude.

Thanks a lot for temperatures that ensure that nothing pleasantly snowy will take place, nor will anything begin to grow.

Thanks a lot for the severe drought we'll be facing when spring does come. Good one.

I've decided that if you're unwilling to do your job and provide us with a proper winter, I will just force spring to arrive, in the studio at least.

I bought these quince branches, and they're quite happily flowering in the warm, humid environment yarn dyeing provides.

Take that.



P.S. I really will punch you in the face.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

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Reader Comments (10)

Well, for what it's worth, Montgomery county is also 34 degrees, damp, snowless and dreary. If we get any snow, I'll gladly fax it your way!

February 9, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermargieinmaryland

I am right there with you, Yarnista! It's like 4 long months of mud season. I live on the coast of Maine where we have been dealing with a freeze-thaw-freeze-thaw see-saw. It's all ice and/or mud. I'll stand right behind you as you punch old man winter in the face!

February 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

You too, Jennifer? I'm sorry for you! Today it's supposed to be nine degrees, but it will be back up close to 40 by midweek. Sheesh.

February 10, 2012 | Registered CommenterYarnista

I love winter; the cozy force you to knit warm things cold of winter. I need one good snow... One that closes schools and state offices, just so I can justify making hot chocolate with marshmallows. If there's ANOTHER 60 degree day before early April, I might just cry. Dear Yarnista, I'm with yah!

February 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

We're owed at least 2 big snowstorms for this. And not "snowstorms" like we got last year- REAL snowstorms. I'm with you- weather this year = LAME.

February 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

I know it's terrible to admit but I was enjoying my snowless winter (I do however live in a place that doesn't rely on the snow for irrigation purposes. The more snow we get the worse spring flooding is). It was perilously close to 50 degrees, I'd unpacked by 4 and 5 inch heels, I ate lunch in the sun in my car. I was in heaven. Now it's snowing sideways and my poor beautiful shoes have been unceremoniously shoved in my purse for protection. You may have all the snow here! (as you'd appreciate it far better than I do).

However muddy paws are getting old.

February 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFairyofYarn

It sounds as though you are describing winter here, in the Pacific Northwest. I love Bellingham, but goodness the winters are long and drizzly. Unlike you, we did have snow for a bit; just enough to pretty much shut the city down from lack of experience (8-10 inches). Ha!!!

February 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSummer

Right now we are getting faux-snow. It LOOKS like little white flakes are coming down - but in reality it is just drizzle! You know when we will get the big snow here? March 2nd. The day that I absolutely cannot stay home no matter what. That is when two feet will come overnight. Sigh. I am with you! Poop or get off the pot!

February 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmy A

I just want to say I was "hear hear"-ing this post and I think mother nature/winter had the last laugh. We are getting dumped on right now in upstate NY with lake effect snow all weekend long, during which I have to drive into work.

February 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRachel C

Blech. That's what I have to say about winter this year. No sledding. Lousy skating. No skiing. Seriously, what's to like?

February 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJess

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