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Sneak peek #1: fireside chat

I have 34 new colorways for you. They're going to be debuting during Fall Premiere Weekend at retailers all over, and I thought I'd start by giving you some sneak peeks of what's in store.

This colorway is for all you earth tone lovers out there: Fireside Chat.

Fireside Chat is also a rainbow. Which makes it just a tiny bit less serious and more whimsical.

But if you're hell bent on being serious, you can ignore the previous statement and just look at the earthy browns, greens, coppers, and purples in this one.

You know, because we all need a little less humor and lightheartedness in our lives. It's better to take life too seriously and overthink every single decision, no matter how trivial. That's the ticket to Happytown.

When I was in college, I was assigned a roommate who shared a last name with a popular animated character, which she never, ever let you forget. She was a chronic overthinker, which is rather annoying when you have to sleep in the same room with someone. She once woke me up at 5:30 in the morning to ask me if I thought that navy socks would be OK to wear with jeans. (Yes.) She once wanted to know if it was better to organize her biology vocabulary flashcards by topic, then by alphabet, or if they should all be integrated alphabetically.

I told her it probably didn't matter that much, as long as she learned the words and understood what they meant. She thought about that for about 15 minutes, then came back and asked me, "By understand what they mean, do you mean understand the English words on the card, or understand how they are related to biology?" (Both are useful, don't you think?)

But you know what she did not overthink? She didn't overthink the Pink Floyd blacklight poster that she tried to hang on my side of the tiny room. She didn't overthink the idea that other people might not count Nine Inch Nails as an appropriate bedtime music selection. She didn't overthink loaning her undergarments to one of her former roommates when they knocked on the door one evening complaining that they didn't have any clean skivvies.

But back to Fireside Chat. Our retailers have spoken: this is one of their favorites in the whole collection.

 I think you'll like it too.

In the coming weeks, we'll post a list of participating retailers so you'll know just where to go for instant gratification.

And just because I can't resist, here's a new picture of sweet Baby Shamrock:

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    Yarnista - Blog - Sneak peek #1: fireside chat

Reader Comments (11)

Fireside Chat and Baby Shamrock are both wonderful. I'll drool over the yarn, Shamrock can just drool. ;)

July 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteryarnardent

That girl sounds like she might have had Asperger's Syndrome.

Love the yarn. Gorgeous, saturation of colours, and that baby is pretty adorable, too!

July 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRavenesque

Can't wait to purchase Fireside Chat. I already have a project in mind.
Shamrock is adorable. I miss snuggling with my girls. Thank goodness for grandchildren.

July 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCheryl

Baby Louisa is gorgeous! So jealous of you with a newbie! Fireside Chat is also lovely!

July 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

I want to squeeze them both!

July 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmyS

Fireside is pretty. But baby Shamrock well now she steals the show. :)

July 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterShaine

uh, Ravenesque? i have Asperger's. "that girl" doesn't sound aspie to me.
Baby Shamrock is adorable! Fireside Chat is droolworthy. i can't wait until i can see all the new colors.

July 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLee

Looks fantastic! Can't wait to see the whole lineup! Wishing I owned that yarn store I keep dreaming about . . .

July 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAngela

oh how I love baby pictures!! my little girl just lost her first tooth, and even though she's the third youngest, i still cryed! so happy to come get some baby, and the yarn! oh, the yarn makes me both happy my kids are old enough to give me time to knit, and sad I don't have tiny booties to make with that gorgeous grown up rainbow!

July 28, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkimber

Great colours for fall.

July 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterErin

oooooh - FUZZY HEAD!!
so cute - her eyes look bluish green already
: )
min m

July 30, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermargieinmaryland

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