crafty katie

When you fall in love with a knitter, your life will be much easier if you can remember a few simple things.
1. You will live with lots of yarn. Some of this yarn was acquired merely because it was pretty and she wanted it and she may do nothing but look at and pet the yarn when she feels like it. Fighting this will just drive her desire for yarn underground, where she will have things delivered to her office, squirrel them away in the trunk of her car, or hidden in the far reaches of a closet so you won't notice.
2. Some projects are begun and never finished. This is acceptable. Do not presume to make suggestions, however gentle, about how her hobby should be pursued.
3. When yarn is brought into the house and she asks you to touch it and look at it and admire it, your interests are best served if you can muster up an appropriate degree of enthusiasm and admiration. Even if it's just colored string to you. If she wants you to feel how soft it is, for the love of Pete, do it immediately. And say something like, "Wow, that is really soft. That will be fun to knit with!" Even if you don't care. Even if you can't tell that it's soft. If she asks you to admire the softness, assume it is soft and beautiful and worthy of praise.
4. Yarn will have to be relocated to various places in the house at any given time. If there is suddenly a basket of yarn on the floor in a doorway, it's there for a reason. Step over it. Even if it means your wedding photographer will document the basket.
5. You'll have to accept that your beloved may want to knit all five of her bridesmaids shawls for your wedding. Admire her handiwork. Say things like, "Wow, I am so impressed by your skill and dedication. I'm cooking you dinner so you can have more knitting time."
6. When you look at your wedding photos, be sure to comment on the shawl each bridesmaid is wearing. It would also behoove you to make note of the bouquets, and to admire how nicely the colors she selected go with the shawl and dress. Someone spent a long time picking out just the right thing, and you might as well compliment her on it.
7. Take note of things like how even though each shawl is slightly different, they all suit the wearers and make your wedding seem more special than everyone else's wedding. Got that? More special than anyone else's.
8. Ask questions like, "Where did you find those amazing shawl pins? My ________________mom/grandma/aunt/cousin would love one."
9. Say things like, "The beading on the hem just adds something extra. How do you even get the beads on there? It blows my mind." The compliment phrased as question: work it to full advantage.
10. A little something like, "Each one of these shawls is more amazing than the last," would certainly not kill you dead.
11. Of course, it goes without saying that your knitting bride is the MOST radiant, MOST beautiful bride of all time, otherwise you would not be marrying her. And her dedication to her craft just makes her all the more attractive.
12. Say that. Every day, if possible.
I'm sure Charles doesn't need my advice, because Katie describes him as the "coolest guy EVER."
They were married last November in bucolic Glyndon, MD, and Katie really did manage to knit five lace shawls (and a sweater for herself) before the big day.
Lavender and chocolate: I approve.
Katie wore the same crown her mother wore at her own wedding 51 years ago.
This wedding party looks significantly happier than many I've seen. I'm sure it's the shawls. I know I would be grinning pretty broadly if that were part of my bridesmaid ensemble.
The lace edging and the flowers on this cardigan are just beautiful, despite the tomfoolery happening in the background with the wedding party. (Note: I'm bringing tomfoolery back.)
A getaway car and reception venue befitting a knitter of this caliber.
I love the homemade canned goods as wedding favors! Those will be enjoyed much longer than a bag of Jordan almonds. And the label reads "Expiration date never: Katie and Charles"
Some more deets for the curious:
-- Shawl yarn: Lilacs (a club exclusive) on McClellan. The bride wore a barely-there version of the colorway.
-- Shawl patterns: Celes, Samovar, Seascape Stole, Astilbe Feathers, and Peacock Shawlette
-- Despite the fact that the groom's house burned down three months before the wedding (while the bride was there! knitting!), all the knitting was saved and the wedding went off without a hitch.
And they knit happily ever after.
Reader Comments (5)
Your wedding car always suits your style, your personality and matches with the overall theme of your wedding day. Such as, if you are planning a royal or luxury wedding, then your car should definitely limo.
The bride's dress is exquisite and the shawls are beautiful. Everyone looks so happy. Congratulations and best wishes.
The wedding was beautiful and a whole lot of fun. (I was there!) :) It was the kind of wedding that makes you actually like going to weddings.
Hope this wedding was filed with lots of funny activities. Crafty work is really nice and uncommon.
This dress is very elegant, very beautiful