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The life of the Yarnista.

It is arduous, and full of peril. It is delightsome and lovely. It is exhilarating and disheartening. All of these, at once.

Arduous: hard to accomplish or achieve: difficult. Marked by great labor or effort. As in the thousands of skeins of yarn that pass through my hands each month. This is marked by a great and satisfying labor on my part, and the part of my assistants. (Thank you, assistants.)

Peril: exposure to risk of being injured, destroyed, or lost: danger. As in the sore feet, legs, back, and shoulders that result from dyeing the thousands of skeins of yarn that pass through my hands. As in the burns that inevitably occur on my hands and arms. As in the sickening THWACK that occurs when a yarn winder hits a part of my body.

Delightsome: highly pleasing. As in the joy I feel from looking at my creations in beautifully stacked piles like ripe produce, ready to befriend and nourish their new families.

Lovely: grand, swell, eliciting love. As in the melding of colors on sheep's hair. I never fail to think this process is swell.

Exhilarating: cheerful, refreshing, and exciting. As in the excitement I feel when I finally get something right, after many many many tries. To have someone else take pleasure in that effort is especially exciting for me.

Disheartening: to lose spirit or morale. As in the feeling that I can never accomplish everything there is to do. Does everyone feel this way? I think they must.

And such is my life, and the lives of many of you: Arduous and exhilarating, lovely and disheartening. Today's wish: that you find more delight than peril on your path.

Reader Comments (2)

GRATEFUL: full of gratitude; thankful. We are grateful for all that you do and for the wonderful yarns you produce for us.

ECSTATIC: full of delight and ecstasy; exhilarated. We are ecstatic when we receive our 3IG orders.

June 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

Sharon, you are a talented writer. I for one appreciate your efforts and LOVE your yarn and the colors you create. Do not be disheartened, we all wish we could do more but must take time to enjoy the little things in life cuz that is what we really remember in the long run. Keep up the great work and take time to enjoy yourself and those around you.

June 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeb Lewis

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