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I have a colorway named after me.

And I have some of that colorway handspun into yarn.

And that is because my name is Sharon.

If your name is Sharon, you now have a colorway named after you too.

In fact, is your name Sharon? Did your mother name you the Hebrew word for plain, as in a fertile plain? Did she almost name you Christine or Farrah? Did she draw your name out of a hat at the last minute?

Not that mine did or anything, what makes you think that?

My mother refuses to call me Yarnista. This from a woman who almost named me Farrah Fawn.

I'm sure she'll be by to comment momentarily, if you'll just hold on.


Gee, let's see. There's some brown in there.

Wonder why?There's pink. And turquoise. And purple. All my favorites.

How do I know this colorway is named after moi?It says so right right here on the label.

I got these skeins as a gift from Paty's Loveys. They're plush, plump, and perfect.

And named Sharon. Everything is 20% off through the end of today. 

You should buy some of the handspun before I buy it all for me and hoard it in my little cottage at the edge of a rocky shore with dried lavender hanging from the doorway and sheep milling about in the yard.

Not that I would do that.


GEEZ, YOU GUYS! Give me a little credit.

Or at least some eponymous handspun.

Reader Comments (7)

How pretty!

January 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Downey

Oh, it is just beautiful!! So... what are you going to make with it??

I have a tiny little ball of it leftover from putting the border on your blanket, and I like to pet it and squish it and love it.

January 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAbigail

I named you Sharon because I loved the name. Yes, there were three other names in the running, all classic, feminine names (except Farrah of course) that I vacillated about. I thought the name Sharon sounded a little old-fashioned, meant something lovely ("Sharon is a name of Hebrew origin meaning 'princess; the one who laughs' - she has a glowing personality, is contented with her life and is one who inspires others to succeed"), the name wasn't that common and also wouldn't be one you'd have to spell or explain for the rest of your life. It has always suited you beautifully. :)

I must have missed the sheep and the lavender last time I visited. Are you bringing them with you when you come see us next?

January 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista's Mama

Why, yes, my name *is* Sharon! :)

I was supposed to be Sarah, but my dad is Southern, and my southern relatives tend to use "Surrie" as a nickname for Sarah, and my Mom couldn't bear the thought.
I would've liked to be Sarah - but at least this way, I was the only Sharon in my class, and didn't have to always be "Sarah M" because of the other Sara/Sarah's in the class.

(Hmm, Sarah - Farrah. And yet we are both Sharons!)

I love this colorway too - perhaps you'll feel inspired? (hint hint....) :P

January 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterguinevere

That is beautiful!

January 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDebi

Lucky you!! But I need to thank YOU. You have named yarn for each of my children, Liam and Kate. You have also named yarn after my family - Fitzgerald. Now I need to learn to knit socks so I can knit my kid's namesakes for them.!!


January 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKristin Fitzgerald

The yarn turned out to be gorgeous, didn't it? So what are you going to make?

January 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

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