I don’t have a picture.

I don't have a picture of anything exciting because the only thing going on around here is bad exciting, not fun exciting or exciting exciting.
Bad exciting = up and running for two days, no hot water. Water heater bad. Needs help. No picture of Bad Hot Water Heater. It not deserve picture.
Bad exciting = endless meetings with plumbers trying to get Bad Hot Water Heater fixed.
Bad exciting = bad posts with no pictures. Yarnista not happy with the bad exciting. Customers not happy with the bad exciting. Husband not happy with the bad exciting.
Bad exciting take away grammar and cognition. Bad exciting bad.
Bad exciting = up and running for two days, no hot water. Water heater bad. Needs help. No picture of Bad Hot Water Heater. It not deserve picture.
Bad exciting = endless meetings with plumbers trying to get Bad Hot Water Heater fixed.
Bad exciting = bad posts with no pictures. Yarnista not happy with the bad exciting. Customers not happy with the bad exciting. Husband not happy with the bad exciting.
Bad exciting take away grammar and cognition. Bad exciting bad.

Chit Chat

Reader Comments (10)
you're so funny. I love reading your blog, even when it's bad exciting. Sorry about the water heater; owning property is quite the ordeal. My daughter in law just bought her first house and is experiencing the joys of repairs. I hope you experience good exciting soon. :-)
If they can't fix it, you could post pictures of smashing the old water heater to bits after a new one is installed. :)
Soon, you'll be past the bad exciting phase of moving, and you'll be posting happy stories of the new space and the new ideas you have for yarn! In the meantime, I'll think happy water heater thoughts for you.
Oh no!! I am so very very sorry!! Hope it gets resolved as quickly and inexpensively as it can!!
It will be Happy Exciting soon! Drink good coffee and feel the good vibes coming your way.
Oh no! :( I hope it gets fixed soon!
Dear Yarnista,
I am thankful for letter "c". For without "c" your bad exciting would be bad exiting, and that would be very, very bad. We in this little town are glad you and your "c"lan are here and that you "c"ontinue to "c"reate such beautiful yarn. I hope your "c"rashed water heater problem is "c"orrected quickly. And whether it's good exciting or bad exciting, it's still ex"c"iting, you "C"!
Well, that stinks. I'm sure everything will change to good exciting or exciting exciting really soon. Drink excellent coffee, eat some fab chocolate. Feel the love coming your way from all your peeps.
Meh is right! And Mr. Theo agrees, too, and is happy to see someone else dropping grammar.
Yikes! Hope everything gets fixed quickly!
Have you explained to the water heater and/or plumbers that bad water heater leads to yarn delay which leads to sad knitters and really, the sad knitter are a force neither the water heater nor the plumber want to see? (As in should we threaten to shake pointy sticks and hooks at someone?)