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seven things.

1. I spent four hours wrapping gifts last night, and finally had to stop so I could go to sleep. This is not because I'm giving an obscene amount of gifts, but rather because I am exceedingly picky about the way I wrap things.

2. According to my three year old, I am the "best best mommy" in the whole world. (Let's not point out the obvious fact that she knows no different because I'm the only mommy she's ever had or the fact that there are most assuredly mothers that are better than I.)

3. According to my eight year old, he is the only child in his entire school -- no, the entire UNIVERSE -- who has to do the following things:

  • Take out the recycling.
  • Carry the basket of dirty laundry from his room to the basement where the washer is housed.
  • Give the dog water.
  • Give the cat water.
  • Stop hitting his sisters.
  • Bring his hockey gear to and from the car.
  • Clear the table after dinner.

4. I think I am coming down with something. I've been sick on Christmas more than once, and I don't recommend it.

5. Over the course of one work day, my hair can go from looking perfectly normal to looking like I haven't showered in a week. Good times.

6. The city has salted and sanded the alley behind my house, which is in a solely residential area. And yet, they have not done the same for the alley behind the studio, which is in a busy, commercial, downtown area. Every night, my car threatens to fishtail and hit the buildings on either side of me. Why, city, why?

7. The Christmas knitting is done and blocking. Woot!

Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of the studio Christmas tree, and of the ornaments that were sent to us by lovely customers!


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Reader Comments (7)

I hope you don't get sick either...Your son sounds the same as my 14 and 16 year old boys...I have done no xmas knitting, shame on me! and oh..Santa just rode past my house on a firetruck...and here I thought it was a sleigh he rode..sheesh! Stupid me :) Merry Christmas!

December 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKimberly

Oh, no!! I hope you don't get sick :( I just got over a bout of what was probably food poisoning but felt just like the flu and it was highly non-entertaining. I can't wait to see the tree.

Also, sorry about that alley - that's nerve-wracking on a non-icy day.. yikes!

December 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAbigail

And Merrrryyyyyyy Christmas! Ohohoh!

December 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarina

I can wait until the day when VW can express his "only me" ideas. I do have a nephew about to turn 14 who thinks those things. On the other hand, in about six months he'll get his black belt in martial arts. Maybe my sister and BIL should start lessening his chores. heh heh

Hope your Christmas is filled with plowed streets. :-)

December 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLoraine

You can reassure your son that he is not the only one who has chores. Except for the hockey gear (substitute color guard for my oldest), that could be a chore list for any one of my kids. But you have to add doing the dishes, sweeping/mopping the floors, and folding their own laundry ;-)

Merry Christmas!

December 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGeknitics

Wow! Your kid does all that? Must go work on my own! Please post any secrets for success.

December 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIngrid

tell your boy that you know 4 brothers in Philly (two older than him, two younger) who not only have to do all those chores listed (minus the dog, since we don't have one) PLUS:
- feed the guinea pigs
- change the guinea pigs cage weekly
- fold and put away their clothes after they've carried the basket back upstairs
- vacuum their rooms

(and probably a ton more absolutely awful things that I can't remember right now) Tell him I say he's got it pretty lucky ;)

December 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTheresa

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