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we've moved into the new old house...

... and boy, are my arms tired.

We're waiting on some furniture. Namely, a couch and a round dining room table, which have both been ordered but have to be constructed.(Not unlike when you order yarn from us; you tell us what you want, we make it for you. But you do have to wait while we make it for you, because this is not McDonald's.) We've unpacked a good portion of the boxes, but have yet to hang anything on the walls, so the pictures you see will probably not stay where they are.

The living room now:

The table and mirror on the left will not stay there. I bought the mirror, which is an antique and weighs about 900 pounds, at an estate sale. It will eventually hang in the entry way, after I can get someone to engineer a hanging solution that will not rip the plaster out of the walls.

You can't see that the mirror has a small pineapple at the top, so I think it's befitting that a symbol of hospitality hang in the entryway. The round table is walnut, which I also found at an estate sale. The square table is an old game table with a swiveling top that I bought for $2 at a yard sale. I will eventually paint it and put it somewhere else in the house.  And the chair is my favoritest piece of furniture. It is wildly comfortable, and once I get a lamp and a footstool, I'm sure this will become my reading chair.

Speaking of reading, I'm pleased with how the library is coming along. I still need to get my daybed in here, but the books have arrived:

See? Viridian green walls. I actually chose one of the colors Benjamin Moore deems "historic", and then painted the ceiling (which is curved, I love it) a pale (historic) green). For now, the mantle holds some of my pictures and collection of vintage schtuff.

Here was the color of Lake Superior yesterday. Keep a rag by the keyboard to dry your eyes and wipe up your drool. After moving back here, I kept marveling at the sky -- it seemed so big, and the cloud formations were remarkably beautiful. I realized that after ten years of living in big cities on the West and East Coasts, I'd gotten used to seeing air pollution. There's very little air pollution here, and the sky is amazing.

If you ever receive an email from me early in the morning or after dinner time, chances are very good it was sent from the library in my house near Lake Superior.


P.S. The people at Macintosh have gone above and beyond to help me with my aforementioned computer problems. I'm confident we can get things fixed. Yay!

P.S.S. I am getting close to choosing some paint colors based on your previous suggestions. Yay!

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Reader Comments (13)

wow. I love your old new house. They are my favorite kind.. as long as you have a handy husband to fix the old things. :-) Your home is lovely, I love the colors, and your pictures. And I WANT your chair. Seriously want it. My couch is terribly uncomfortable, and I want a good yummy chair. I always wanted the overstuffed kind you see in old movies-- especially the one in Elizabeth Taylor's bedroom in "Father of the Bride".
Anyway, yay for moving into your house. And for big skies, beautiful lakes and no pollution.

June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJanet

I see the new old house is becoming a home- good on you! Love your sense of style.

I lived in Marquette Michigan 35 years ago (5th grade) and I have been wanting to see Lake Superior again for some time now. I remember it being the most beautiful body of water I had ever seen. Your photos tell me it still is.

June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeannine in MD

Everything looks so beautiful!

June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista's Mama

Hey, it's looking good! I love that you have a picture of Kelly on your mantle. Ok, I know it's not her, but it's been her Ravatar for so long, at first it didn't occur to me that it didn't represent her. What a nice room.

June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTrisha

Looking wonderful! Great library colour too....I love those historic colours and painted my last house in more than a few of them. Nice shot of the lake. I like to think of you looking out at that view whilst sending emails to all your peeps and sipping coffee. Much more relaxing than the big city.

June 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

Tee Hee..I thought the same thing that Trisha did when I saw that portrait on the mantle. I love the way that things are coming together and can't wait until you have your Open House and we all come to see it first hand and bring you housewarming gifts!!! Oh wait, that just happens in my dreams!!

June 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPatty (rugersmom)

Beautiful! I hope you all live there in good health for years to come!

By the way, I was particularly taken with the teapot on your mantel. Can you tell me something about it?



June 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGwen

Gwen, I don't very much about it, other than it's old and doesn't look like it's ever been used. The interior is deep brown ceramic.

June 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

You house looks awesome, cozy, inviting & interesting. Congrats on moving in to the new place!

June 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjess

You've been busy! What an exciting time for you, with all kinds of happy planning and dreaming, while gazing out at such a magnificent view (which I suspect will also be translated into some awesome yarn colorways too)! Your library is looking awesome (LOVE that teapot! LOVE that Viridian green!). That chair, however, is to DIE FOR! What I wouldn't give for a chair like that!

And - is that a piano I see? Is there a maestro in the family, or did it come with the house? Either way, it is a perfect element of an historical house!

Looking forward to seeing how things bloom in Casa de Yarnista!

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergoldi

I'm just so in love with your house and the view out your windows and the whole idea of a quaint old house in a tree lined street in a small town. I've got the town, but my house is newer than I prefer and they logged our trees before we moved in.. I've got some new ones going and I do really love my house, but its not quaint and old yet. 8-) Have a wonderful life there.

June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarolyn/catmomnw

Your house is beautiful and your photography is amazing! Maybe I can visit again.

June 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLK

Here's a tip: hang the heavy mirror with 2 100 lb hooks - spaced 12" or so apart - it will distribute the weight.

Good luck, the house is lovely!

July 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPam

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