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for the first time in decades...

I am not going back to school this year.

I'm also now old enough to say "It's been decades."

That makes me old.

Of course, I went back to school every September as a child and teenager. Then I went to college. And then I became a teacher. Hence, every single year for decades I've been doing back to school shopping in August.

As a teacher, I at least attempted to dress in a pseudo-stylish manner. I had a large wardrobe of skirts that I usually paired with a brightly colored, fitted T-shirt, a cardigan, and shoes like these:

Now, the only back to school shopping I've done is for my children. Which is fun in its own way, but involves a lot more of saying, "No, I won't buy you shoes that light up and sing songs! What is this world coming to? What has gotten into young people these days?"

Which is further evidence of my oldness. I'm officially asking what has gotten into young people these days.

I have also started turning up the television extra loud and muttering under my breath about the music that the young scallywags in my town blast from their vibrating cars.

So now I wear shoes like these, all day every day. They're comfortable and slip resistant, which is useful when your floors are in a perpetual state of dampness.

I sigh about it and keep a pair of sandals under my desk and look for reasons to wear my stylish clothing. Whenever I wear anything other than my work uniform -- a black T-shirt with our logo on it, a pair of dye stained pants or shorts, and Crocs -- people notice.

"You look nice," my family says, as I leave the house in a black T-shirt with our logo on it, a pair of dye stained pants and loafers. Loafers are enough of a wardrobe upgrade that people take note when I wear them.

 I no longer have much use for pretties like this:

Being a Full Time Yarnista certainly has its advantages. Wardrobe ain't one of them.

And you know what I miss most about being a teacher?

My colleagues (and friends) who made getting up at 4:30 am worth it.

Happy back to school to all of you, whether you're a teacher or a parent or a grandparent or just someone who wants the scallywags off the street and safely corralled into school where they belong.

And here's a coupon code good for free shipping on anything on our site: AUGSHIP. It will expire at the end of the day on August 31st, so use it while you can!

Go shopping!



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Reader Comments (11)

It must be quite a change!
I totally commiserate though with the lack of need for stylish clothing! As a stay at home wife/mom to 5 kids as well as being the "teacher" at home my need for stylish clothes went the way of the dodo bird long ago :(
But I love those shoes you posted!! (the first ones that is, lol)

August 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRhonnie

We miss you too! It absolutely is not the same without you!
The one in the front row on the far left :-)

August 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary in Maryland

I totally know the feeling of having "pretties" to wear that use to be a part of your daily routine but are now not needed. "What do you do with them?",I ask myself. I try to find places to wear them but it doesn't happen often enough!

August 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJaime

Ah, but you ARE still teaching, Yarnista! You're teaching the hordes of fiber lovers--myself included--about beautiful colorways, beautiful places, wonderful people, unleashed creativity, and how to maintain a sense of humor throughout whatever life throws one's way. You are definitely teaching. And because you're such a good teacher, I could not care less about what you're wearing while you're doing it! ;-)

August 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPJ

I used to work in an elementary special needs room and it was the best thing ever. After moving and having kids I miss the daily getting ready/looking "pretty" and all the fabulous kids (although I did get my fabulous kids!). As a stay at home mom there is only so much dressing up you want to do because of the constant messes you deal with. My hubby would probably love if I dressed up again.

August 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRachael

You never stop missing the excitement of back-to-school time. It was so weird, the first year I didn't have school starting. And after 6 or so years, I'm back taking one class and it is so exciting.

Unfortunately, I've spent all my clothes money on yarn (it will be sweaters! someday!) so there were no new back-to-school clothes for me this year :(

August 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAllison

I agree with PJ. Once a teacher, always a teacher. And you're stellar.

August 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

I agree with PJ & Sandy - I have the same problem as Allison, too much yarn and no money for new clothes! I just got a new job as a children's librarian in an elementary school - I have a teaching degree, but this will suit me well for this stage of my life! I may even get to teach knitting & crochet to kids!
PS Did you get the package I sent to you?

August 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Good news! You're not officially old until you've started yelling, "Get off my lawn!" So you're still in the clear.

In some ways, I kinda miss having a reason to wear half of my wardrobe (along with wondering how much longer I'm going to hold on to that half of my wardrobe...), but at the same time, I've always been a t-shirt and jeans gal. I think in my case it's more missing the reason to wear the clothes than the clothes themselves, so I'd be set if I had a good reason to be in t-shirt and jeans. Apparently I missed my calling! ;-)

August 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen

This is the first year that I am NOT teaching government and without my spectacular friend to teach it with it is bittersweet. No one to show pictures of their chldren or to remind me that I am 103 this year and still falling down steps. Miss you soooo much!

August 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLK

LK, you could always move to Minnesota and become a Yarnista!

August 30, 2010 | Registered CommenterYarnista

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