let's try something new...

You give me a name for a colorway. I'll try and make a colorway with that name for our next Carpe Yarnem: Seize the Dye stocking on 8.16. (A little more than a week away!)
The name can be pithy or beautiful, poppy or quaint. Hit me with your best shot, I'm on a tear.
P.S. The stocking will be next Monday at 3:30 pm Central Time. WOOT!

Reader Comments (78)
How about: Branching Out? Autumn Treasures? Forest Glen? Earthen Splendor? Sun And Stars? Have fun!
Colorado Rocky Mountain High? Best place in the world, as far as I am concerned.
How Green Was My Valley
Joe Pye–-gravel-rootjoe-pye-weed/
My favourite Vincent Van Gogh painting... Starry Night...
Since I'm from Canada how about:
Seigneur (the french word for lord, as in owner of land)...
On the flipside, the Seigneur's farmers were Habitants...
Or Filles du Roi (I always thought they were interesting)...
Or something to do with Cajun culture and New Orleans would be interesting... You could use street names for the French Quarter (Bourbon, Dauphine, Chartres, Decatur).
Floccinaucinihilipilification- it's just so much fun to say :)
Autumn Heart
Okay, I'm not good with names for stuff so I asked DH - first he said Irish Eyes...but that's just not original....
Then he said BLARNEY! I love it, lol. I'd love to see a colorway that looked like Blarney, lol. :D
Merry-Go-Round. Ferris Wheel. (I love the way a Ferris Wheel looks at night.) Foggy Afternoon. Tropical Storm. Summer Barbeque.
How about:
Le Petit Prince
Dorian Grey
Winter Is Coming
Weathered Old Stones
My nomination is for "Blasket Island"................... the Blasket Island community declined as a result of the persistent emigration of its young people, until eventually the Island was abandoned in 1953 when only 22 inhabitants remained.
Bring back life to Blasket Island by spinning glorious yarn named for the island.
Lover's Lane
Bridge of Flowers
Nature Trail
Rocky Coast
Renaissance? Barnyard Owl? Forest Princess? Scarlet Dress? Or maybe.....Newborn Irish baby?
Spring Rain, Granny Smith, Shadows (or maybe In the Shadows), kaleidoscope eyes.
Bermuda, Baby
Birch Bark
Meteor Showers
Crater Lake Lovely
What fun! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
How about "End of Summer Blues"
How about: Lake District or Summer Garden
A Dream within a Dream
Pure Imagination
False Awakening
Everlasting Gobstopper
Prpbably too many, but this is fun!!!
I've only started following you recently, so forgive me if you've already done these, but some earlier comments made me think of people from the legends:
Oisin and Niamh
Diarmuid and Grainne
Fionn mac Cumhail
Brian Boru
There are a lot of touch stones in the Táin Bó Cúailnge as well, of course.
I also really like the story of Bran the Blessed, which is a Welsh story, though I suppose it's not very positive toward the Irish king. The Mabinogion does have a host of other interesting characters, though, like Pwyll, Manawydan, and Rhiannon.
Of course, as a former resident of Brittany, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the forest of Broceliande, which contains the Val Sans Retour (the valley where Merlin was imprisoned by Viviane), the Miroir aux Fées (a lake called the Fairies' Mirror, and the lake of Lancelot), and the Arbre d'Or (Golden Tree).
Misty Valley
Mountain Glade
Such wonderful earthy suggestions! Me, I'm all about food...
Plum Jam
French Market
And because a little Monday Morning optimism never hurts:
72 Degrees, Clear Skies, No Humidity
Well, I'm a fan of the idea rolling around on the Rav boards:
Infallible Baby Dust
And Halloween:
Trick or Treat
Witches Brew
Candy Corn
And Fall:
Turning Leaves
Wood Burning Stove
Apple Orchard
Pumpkin Patch