Snapshot O'Life

Irish Boys at hockey practice.
Irish Girls here at the studio while mama tends to a few important things.
"Can we have a snack?" they asked.
"Sure, why don't you grab a granola bar," I replied.
A bad sign: things were too quiet.
I peeked around the corner, to find this:
The days are long, but the years are short.

Reader Comments (7)
Aw, what little cuties!!
Love those Irish girls.
The cuteness! The cuteness is almost overwhelming!
Awwwwwwww!!!!!!! (the single word most hated by my little brother)
And much love on the secret birthday blanket, too!
That is beyond sweet. I'm thrilled for you that you happened to have your camera handy to capture such a beautiful moment!
Ohmygoodness they are adorable. I love snuggly sibling pictures.
Very cute girlens.
Nice to see the Blanket of Love as well.