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Dear Yarnista...

Dear Yarnista,

Long time no see. I know you've had a rough go of things with several weekends in a row at home instead of being on the road. How are you holding up?




Dear Self,

Good to hear from you! I am hanging in there. It has been exceedingly difficult to avoid the allure of airport food and cramped plane conditions, so I have once again succumbed to the siren song of the sky. I've decided that my return foray into yarny travels would be best spent on a short hop to Chicago, to visit my friends at Windy Knitty.

Does Saturday the 17th work for you? I'm attaching a flyer, in case you're interested.


Keep in touch, yo.



P.S. I already know I'm cuter online than in person. Got the concept well in hand, no need to rehash.



What? Someone actually said that to you? Who would do that?




Yes, actually, more than one person has told me that. In fact, I now get regular emails from people about the following topics:

1. My clothing choices. (More specifically, what I should wear more of, what I should buy, and what people never want to see again.)

2. What I should or should not be doing with my hair. (Barbie hair good, buns bad!)

3. Whether or not I am in the Guinness Book of World Records as the tallest person everEVEREVER in the recorded history of time.

4. People with sons, grandsons, brothers, cousins, buddies, and friends who are single and ready to mingle. Am I interested?

5. My dog is more beautiful, lovable, charming, and sweet than I am. (What does this say about me? It can't be good things. My dog is more charming? My dog who eats garbage? The one who lacks a neocortex? Am I that boring? Do I need to go away to finishing school so I can learn to make sparkling, witty -- but not too intelligent, that would be intimidating -- conversation. What?)

Most of the emails I get are actually very nice. They say things like, "Hey! I got my package in mail today, and I am in love!" So it's still a little strange when people take the time to email me to say that I need to stop wearing my hair up because I look too matronly, or that my lipstick is too dark and distracting.

I'm learning that I cannot please everyone. Someone will always dislike my clothes or my hair or my lipstick or the sound of my voice. It can't be helped.

I hope those people do not live in Chicago, because I am planning on having a good time, one in which people say, "Wow, I love your yarn!" instead of, "Dude. Call the fashion police."




Dear Yarnista,

Wow. That

I can assure you that the fashion police do not live in Chicago. Only nice yarnophiles.

You're going to have fun. How can you not have fun when you spend an entire weekend surrounded with yarn?

By the way, saw these pics on your desktop...drool!

These are both bamboo cotton fingering, right?

Love how shiny this one is!

This is the cotton/rayon sport?

The bamboo cotton worsted is so incredibly soft! Pardon me while I mop up my keyboard.

Can you pick out the best stuff and save it for me?




Dear You,

What kind of Yarnista would I be if I saved the yarn for you? That wouldn't be fair to the people who registered for the class or attended the trunk show, would it?

But yes, it is yummy.




You ARE cuter online than you are in person.

And you are also very mean, evil, mean, and evil. And you are not my friend.




Grow up.

And do something with your hair.



 P.S. But still come to Windy Knitty this Saturday. I might be able to hook you up with a little something.

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Reader Comments (15)

I will SO be there this Saturday, and I'm excited at the prospect of these new colorways. Yay!

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatie M.

Hilarious and I wish I lived closer to Chicago for this :)

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermeppybn

Me too! I'm so very totally excited, and I am not the fashion police - in fact, I'm kinda hoping you found your DD's outfit in your size; I think you'd look awesome in turquoise and hot pink. Whatever your choice in lipstick, I know you've got incredible taste in color because I love your yarn colorways! ;)

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterguinevere

I *wish* I was anywhere near Chicago. I love that you are not only totally driven and unfairly talented (plus have access to an as much of the most gorgeous yarn in the world as you want)... but you're also super funny and down to earth. It brightens up the blog reading. :-)

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersyd

Have a wonderful time & safe travels this weekend!!!
Wish we could be there!
And I say don't listen to the people who criticize - you're perfect just the way you are!!! :)

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRhonnie

No one is more beautiful, lovable, charming, and sweet than the Yarnista. I did a study. I can send you the white paper if you like.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

SO wishing I could come to Chicago this weekend. I love your Yarn, Love your Blog, and can't imagine anyone having the bad grace to make such rude remarks.
They should be wacked with balls of scratchy plastic yarn!

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLiz in Missouri

Thank you so much, everyone!

People are weird. There's just no two ways about it. ;)

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

ignore the sartorial trolls. and if they tell you this while making an order, lose the order!!
and please come to Philly, or DC, or NYC.

ps-- my May yarn finally showed up! now i need the three other colours. will you please stop giving four choices??!! j/k

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTola

This gave me a good laugh. I certainly hope the people who are picky about appearance don't come look at me.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteryarnardent

Dear Yarnista and self,

Can you please tell me what color the second skein of cotton/.rayon sport is? I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT COLOR. I have already made one Multnomah from CRS - why not a second?

I think that you two are lovely just the way you are and I don't know WHY people criticize like that.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermargieinmaryland

Dear Yarnista:

You're such a goober. I love it. Don't ever stop because you never fail to brighten my day.

Warmest wishes,

Peppermint Mocha Mama

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

whoops - I meant the second picture from the top- cotton rayon fingering, I believe.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermargieinmaryland

Margie, the colorways from the top down are:
Coral Reef
Not a Cloud in Sight
In the Buff


September 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista

You are beautiful and hilarious online AND in person!

September 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJana

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