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cecilia, you're breaking my heart

I think this sweet girl might hear the Simon and Garfunkel song once or twice in her life.

Which could be a lot worse. You could share a name with a Megadeth song or a Justin Is that what he calls them?

Her mom and dad let me hold her and sniff her sweet head and marvel at her smallness. And then I talked them into letting me take a couple of pictures.

I harangued them, really. Pressured heavily. 

I couldn't help myself. Those newborn smiles are so irresistible. And I am the Official Baby Holder of Three Irish Girls. A title I hold with pride. 

What good is owning a company if you can't bestow a couple of figurehead titles on yourself? Did you know that I am also the Chief Procurement and Provisions Officer? That means I buy stuff like markers and snacks for everyone. And I am also the Head Birthday Concierge. That means that I ask people where they would like to go out to eat on their birthday, and then we go there as a group. I am also in charge of presents.

Only once did I exercise my power as Head Birthday Concierge to refuse a restaurant request. I just couldn't see what good would come from driving 20 miles to eat hot dogs in questionable surroundings. We went somewhere much, much better. Boy Aaron's birthday is in 10 days, and I am again refusing to eat at Hot Dogs of Unknown Origin. Sorry, man.

But my favorite honorary title is that of Baby Holder.  New babies are magical beings... the fingers, the lips, the eyes. So precious, and sadly, so fleeting. She'll never look this way again.

She is ravishing in turquoise. A trait I admire in anyone.

After all those months of wondering who she would be, now we know.

Little Ceci.

I think she's pleased to be here.

I'd say that you're shaking my confidence daily, but I'll save that for when you can actually be annoyed by it.

That's how we Official Baby Holders roll.

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Reader Comments (9)

What amazing pictures of a gorgeous little baby girl! Best wishes to the blessed mommy and daddy!

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterYarnista's Mama

She's so sweet it makes my ovaries hurt. Adorable!

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJess

so precious --great shots!

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWool Free and Lovin Knit

If you we not such a fantastic Yarnista, who's skills I don't want to give up, I would say "go into professional photography! Beautiful photographs. Made my heart happy." I; however, am not suggesting you go into photography (hence leaving the dyeing world) and would be happy to tell you your photography stinks if the need arrises. ;)

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteryarnardent

I'm with Leanne. Lovely photos - you have a great eye. But we already knew that. Just stay in yarn, will you?

Welcome to the world, little baby girl. You are too precious for words.

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

What a beautiful little girl!

And yes, it could be SO much worse. No, my phone number is NOT 867-5309...

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Oh my goodness... you have the best job in the universe - all those duties and titles are fabulous, especially when you get to snuggle someone as wonderful that little precious Ceci!

Beautiful! And your photos are inspiring. I'm going to be grandma in July! Can hardly wait to knit something for it and hope they will let me take some pics like these.

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPenny

Love all of these, but especially the second from the bottom one with the knitted piece laying over her sweet lil self. Beautiful colors. And love the smell of a sweet baby's head. How lucky to have her to hold!

January 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEllen

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