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Let's settle this once and for all.

I know y'all like to comment on my appearance. Here are actual comments I have received via my blog, Twitter, in person, or via email.

"I loved the class, but did not like the way you wore your hair. It's so matronly when it's up."

"It was great to meet you. Maybe next time you can wear your hair up so I can see more of your neck."

"Haven't I seen this dress before?"

"You look like a movie star on Demerol."

"Your lipstick was too dark. I found it very distracting."

"The dress you were wearing was pretty, but how come you never wear pants?"

"You are really just a small giant."


I could go on. I'm just choosing to believe that most of the people who comment positively or negatively about my hair/makeup/clothing are trying to be helpful, and that they care. Why else would they take the time to tell me what my hair needed brushing, my skirt needed ironing, or I needed to freshen my pedicure? I can either get offended, or I can choose to see it as motherly (fatherly?), and I'm going with option B, the glass half full option.


So, in that spirit, here's your chance to tell me your thoughts (nicely).

Which do you like better?


Or blonde?

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Reader Comments (36)

Seriously? People actually said those things? Where are their mothers? Have you no manners, people? Emily Post needs a comeback! BTW-You're quite lovely inside and out. You've got class!

February 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKathy S

Can I vote twice? Because you rock both colours. I'm horrified that people over on your side of the world feel like they have the right to tell you to your face what they (in their opinion) think is wrong with your appearance. Round this side, we'd say it behind your back ;-) But seriously, there's no such thing as common courtesy these days. What happened to the compliments? Congrats on the family addition btw.

February 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkreachr

eep! pretty string & gorgeous hair! you are beautiful inside and out. but as a sometimes girly girl myself I say do whichever makes you stride through the house singing & feeling good. as for the unsolicited 'advice' once again these people make me embarrassed to be a human being ( that's twice today alone)

February 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkimber

I love your yarn and the way you help us learn about colors and your wonderful sense of humor and your love for your family - wear whatever makes you happy, and that will make us happy!

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGenia

You're a beautiful woman and can carry off whatever you want. Do what you like, when you like it. Having said that, I like them both. They're just different from one another.

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

I'm with Sandy; I love both looks on you. I think any rude comments must be jealousy, because you are stunningly beautiful inside and out, and in combination with your talent, wit and kindness, you must be too much for some lesser people to handle. ;)

I kinda like the red on you, it's got an edgier feel, a little sign to the world that you are a feisty woman who can face down a hotheaded teenaged boy and won't tolerate any nonsense, thankyouverymuch!

As a blonde, you look remarkably like my younger sister who lives in WI. :)

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterguinevere

Sharon I love you as both a red head and a blonde. My daughter goes back and forth between these two colors often and both are equally stunning. You are a beautiful lady! I can't believe some of the things that come out of people's mouths! They should be ashamed and maybe take a look in the mirror while they're at it!

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

Sharon, I'm with Mr. Yarnista....he was very eloquent in his comments. I find it amusing that I was asking this exact question (only between blonde and my natural brunette) last week because of some comments I was getting when I 'undyed' my hair. I also agree with the GRRRR's I saw in the comments. People can be very difficult sometimes. But your response of "I cannot make everyone happy, so I've given up trying. ;)" is right on. Make yourself happy with yourself.

And keep on mixing up the colors, in your yarn AND your hair!

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRea

I think you look wonderful in both colors and you should use whatever makes you feel good. I have to admit that being a redhead myself, that I voted for red. I love the way it looks in the sunlight, like liquid fire.

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatha

The red is bolder and more fun. I wish I had the gumption to wear my hair red! The blond is super soft and lovely, but I"m all about the red.

The comments don't surprise me, I'm sure they were made by the same people I was just sharing the highway with a few minutes ago. :)

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAstoria

I couldn't choose so I had my husband look. His reaction was as follows -

"Red, all the way. Blonde makes her look washed out and she's so stately pretty that the red is better".

So there you have it - you are stately pretty and red is the vote from this house... either way, you're precious and we love you.

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

First, let me add my voice to the " You're a lovely woman and I can't imagine why people feel free to make comments about your image" chorus.

Second, I prefer blond - sets off the color of your eyes.

Third IT'S YOUR HAIR!!! Please do what makes you happy!

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermargieinmaryland

1. It's sad what jealousy will make some people do (or write).
2. Mr. Yarnista's comment gave me a good laugh - Steve would've said about the same thing.
3. You can rock 'em both, so I picked both. Plus, since I keep going back and forth between the 2 as the whim takes me, it gives me a feeling of solidarity.
4. I can just imagine what some of those people would have to say if they took a class from Lucy Neatby. Lucy's hair was half-magenta, half blue/green/purple on Sunday in class, and she rocked it. And I want yarn in those exact colors. :-)

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJen

This post made me laugh and made me sad...I would never think to tell a person that their hair or makeup or clothing should or should not be a certain way! I personally think you are absolutely adorable as both a blonde & a redhead! But I understand some of the issues you are dealing with - I went to school to be a Hair Stylist & at one job was told I needed to wear more make-up, I would get more tips & thank them in the end. I quit because I have never been much on make-up. Also - I have curly hair! On the rare occasions I flat iron it I get people telling me that I look so much better and should do it all the time. Used to upset me that they didn't think I was attractive in my natural state - but now I don't care! We should all be able to do what makes us happy and makes us feel good!!!

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterShelle

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHeather M

I guess some people need to go back to kindergarten to learn, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Appalling!!!

February 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

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