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sneak peek #3: globe trekker

So the rest of you don't do it all, either? Sweet relief!

I think internet communities are so popular because humans are social creatures, even anti-social humans like me, and we have a deep-seated need to know we're not alone.  Alone is the worst place for the human psyche to exist, which is why prisons use solitary confinement as punishment.

You may not know anyone in real life who loves to collect hand dyed yarn. But online, half the people have stashes bigger than yours. I've seen people online whose personal collections rival that of a yarn shop.

Oh wait, I've seen that in real life too. Ahem.

But at least I know I'm not alone.

I hope I'm not alone in my love for this colorway, Globe Trekker.

This colorway is an homage to a Carpe Yarnem (one of a kind) colorway that my mother bought at one of my trunk shows. She knit a scarf with it and mentioned at least six times how much she thought other people would like the yarn.

So I copied it. One of the things I've learned from more than 8-1/2  years of dyeing yarn (EIGHT YEARS? What? How old am I?) is how to mix colors from their components.

It still takes a little experimentation, but I can almost always get close to something on the first try.

Hold on a second, I'm still thinking about the 8.5 years I've been dyeing yarn.

That seems like a long time. That is a long time. That is 1.5 years longer than etsy has existed.

Pardon me while I hyperventilate slightly. I think I feel lightheaded. Is hyperventilating a remedy for lightheadedness?


OK, where were we? Globe Trekker?

I can't wait to show you what it looks like knit up. So graceful and


I am old, people. I am older than the INTERNET.

Does this make me a grandmother of yarn dyeing? I don't know if I'm ready to be a grandmother, I have a newborn here.

A sweet newborn girlie, the kind who grabs your hair and fingers at every opportunity. She totally has my hands. The hands that I inherited from my grandmother, who was good with her hands. Hopefully that means Shamrock will be too.

Here is my prediction: Globe Trekker will be in the top five best selling colorways of this collection. Maybe I can be the Nostradamus of yarn dyeing. That sounds less old than grandmother, right?

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    Yarnista - Blog - sneak peek #3: globe trekker

Reader Comments (19)

I love it! I think it might need to come live with me :) GORGEOUS!

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmy K.

Have you seen my stash?? You couldn't have been talking about me. No, not me. ;-) I will of course be buying lots of this new color.. I am quite happy your Mama was persistent. And shamrocks hands? Lovely. Hold on tight, someday she will grow up and move away. And you will cry. Ask me how I know. My baby just flew away and is moving to Seattle. Hug em while you can.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJanet Dunivin

When can I buy some????

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJessyka

Soon, Jessyka! It will be available Fall Premiere Weekend.

August 2, 2012 | Registered CommenterYarnista

She's so adorable Sharon! I loved it when I could just sit and hold my newborn and relish them whilst they slept. The colorway is lovely,can't wait to see more of it! About the nine years,yeah I keep having moments like this too. Amazed at how much time has gone by since this-that-or-the-other happened or looking at my older kids! Maybe it's our age?(I think we're close in age). Time seems to fly except when you're pregnant of course,for me all seven times seemed to take forever! Hug that sweet baby girl for me. I love that picture,I love your ring too,where did you get it?

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJaime

OHMYGOSH. I need this one. Badly. The end.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSarah S.

Jaime, my husband bought it for me. It's tanzanite. :)

August 2, 2012 | Registered CommenterYarnista

I love the sweet baby you made more than I love your beautiful yarns. Maybe. Yes. I am pretty sure. Well - they may be close to equal with Shamrock clearly the stronger of the two.

Your photography is right in the mix too. Love that.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmy A

Oh my. I can see some socks knit up in this colourway in my near future...

The yarn that is, not baby Shamrock. That would be weird.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMs Fifikins

This is torture! I can't wait to see all the colors! Baby Girl Shammy is too yummy for words! Nom nom nom on those toes and cheeks!

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKristy

I love the colourway and I adore your ring, Sharon. I have tanzanites in my engagement ring. Such a stunning stone.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRhiannon

Look at the grip on that tiny, fierce human, holding on so hard her little fingertips have turned white!
Never mind the splendiferous, gorgeous yarn. Look at that beautiful baby girl!

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGeniaKnitz

I have a job! I get my first paycheck a week from tomorrow! I can buy yarn! I can buy Fireside Chat and Globe Trekker! Assuming there are any skeins left by the time I get paid. See, I don't work to pay bills, I work to buy yarn. Bills can go stuff themselves.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKara R.

Lucky you! It has an 'old world' look to it(IMHO),I really like that. Tanzanite is quite pretty! You wear it well :)

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJaime

Yarnista's Mama has great taste in yarn. And baby Louisa....well, there are no words for baby sweetness. Looking forward to holding her in April in Syracuse!

August 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPatty

My wheelhouse - Globe Trekker is in it. And around it. And over and under it.

August 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

I'm totally loving Globe Trekker. Almost as much as the pictures of baby Shamrock :-).

At least I can buy Globe Trekker eventually though LOL


August 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSuzie

Sharon the Yarnista, you are hilarious. I am so glad you have mountains of dog hair. So do I on a daily basis! I try and try but just can't keep up with my Golden's hair. She is shedding terribly right now! I also have clean laundry piled. It makes me feel so much better that I am not alone in these things. ! And I don't have a newborn! I have a 10 yr old, a Golden, a cat and a husband. By the way, Baby Shamrock----- ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! But no, it does not make me want to have any more myself. I will admire yours. :). The new colors you have coming out are spectacular! It is about time you decided to leave the building you were in! Too many problems!!!! Good for you!

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLisa S

First of all, congratulations on the sweet new squishy! Second, I think I must have this colorway on sock yarn, and in some Carys BFL. It's perfectly gorgeous. Thirdly, I started knitting right after you started dyeing...coincidence? I think not :)

September 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMandy

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