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So long, farewell...

The decision has been made.

The trigger pulled.

We are bidding our current studio a fond farewell.

And I do mean fond.

Really fond.

Never ending explosions next door? Adios.

Clanging radiators and stinky, shoeless people? Adieu.

Disruptive construction workers and cheesy nightclub? In the words of Heidi Klum, Auf Wiedersehen.

So long, parking lot that was commandeered, leaving our vehicles homeless.

To clarify: we're not closing. We're just moving.

Do you know what the technical term for what we've been experiencing for the past year in this location?

The technical term is "BAD."

It's bad. So bad that I'm willing to pack up 3,000 square feet of stuff and put it somewhere else.

If you'd like a refresher on why I would do something like this to myself, read about the kettlebells here and the construction here.

Things that are on my new studio wish list:

1. Air conditioning. This summer has been brutal. We've actually closed a couple of times because of unsafe working conditions due to heat.

2. A freestanding building. I moved into this space when the building was empty. Now it's full of juke boxes and weights being thrown against my office wall. Freestanding means no one can move in next door. Or above us.

3. More space. We need it.

4. Parking. Dealing with meters and pay lots is no fun.

5. Better light. We have windows, but I have to augment them with photography lights to take decent photos. Bigger windows, and more of them, would be better.

If you know of a space in the Twin Ports, let me know -- there's a contact button in the upper right.

There is much to be done. Plumbers to call and electricians to book and plans to be drawn and babies to tend.

I am going to do something that I have practiced many times in my life: put one foot in front of the other until the destination is reached.

And right now, just about any destination is better than staying put and listening to the heavy metal I have blasting through the studio wall.

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Reader Comments (34)

Oh if I was in the area, I'd lend a hand... but good on you for moving to a place that is more conducive to your needs. It's obvious that over the past year, the people in your building are all rude and inconsiderate. I wish you luck - and secretly wonder what must be done to have you move all the way down to the west central coast of Florida...

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmyS

Much luck to you! You have the perfect attitude,"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". I cringe at the thought of all that laborious work you did to the place when you moved in but I can see the many reasons why you need to get out of there! :)

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJaime

I am SO sorry to hear it has come to this!! I love your building and space and it makes me so sad you have to leave :( I hope you find something SUPER awesome.

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAbigail

I'm so sorry you've had to put up with all that nastiness for the past year and I hope you find everything you are looking for in a new place to create and work. Good luck!

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHeather M

Good for you! The next place will be just what you want it to be.

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPenny

After all your work? Especially with the floor?? Right decision, but it sucks that you have to make it. Good luck with finding the perfect place! I'm thinking, if not free-standing, one with a chocolate shop next door and a massage studio above. Yes?

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Amen to Sister Jen - she's got the right idea. All the best in finding a beautiful, warm/cool new place. It's there, waiting for you! And a convenient play place for little ones!

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCarol

Best of luck with everything! I am excited and exhausted for you!

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKristy

Sharon, we are all heaving a collective sigh of relief for you and your staff and sending all the positive thoughts, karma, good moving vibes, and quick-relocation-at-an-unbelievably-reasonable-price-in-an excellent-building-and-perfect-location wishes your way! We promise to be patient and supportive and the best possible cheerleaders ever! Good luck!!!! And oooh, those bins of yarn.......

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

Oh Sharon! How utterly unpleasant and terrible! I hope much luck for you in finding the PERFECT studio (again). You need some chocolate and a glass of wine! (Okay, that's what I would do).

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

Oh man! I am happy to hear that you're moving - so sorry that you guys have had to put up with all the crap - especially this summer!! I think the nightclub should be giving you guys free drinks for MONTHS.... Good luck on finding a new super-awesome space. There's loads of it available in this town so hopefully something that is perfect will turn up!

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCarrster

Seriously. How much yarn do we have to buy in order to enable you to buy your own building? Is it on the order of 20percent more...50 percent more...not saying it's possible (at least for my budget) but just wondering... We want you to thrive and succeed. We are the community you have created...we are behind you and we are willing to do all we can to support you, as you have supported us...

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGreentrees

Good riddance to those terrible neighbors! I'm so sorry they've driven you out of your old studio, but you are well rid of them. I hope you find the perfect space to continue creating all of that yarny brilliance! So...which colorways are in those pictures?

I'm glad you've made the decision to find a better home for the studio - the idea of that gym made me twitch! In the meantime, that berry yarn in the lower left of the photo of the yarn being packed up? I'll give it a good home!

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJessica Powers

It sounded so bad, this is not a surprise that it has come to this. Blessings on the move and prayers for better things to come.

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Best wishes for finding a wonderful new space. The "neighbors" were stunningly awful and it was amazing that the landlord would permit such nonsense. Know that many of us wish we could be helping you right now.

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJudy

Good for you. As soon as you told us about the issues, I felt that this would be the most sane solution for you. Good luck with your new spot, I'm sure a building will turn up soon.

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGretchen

Would you consider South Carolina? Because I would find your new space and be the 3IG gopher at no charge just for the love of it. But seriously, congrats on making the hard decision. I hope all the hard work finds you in a perfect space that brings much peace and joy.

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercandi

So sorry all your hard work is benefitting someone else. Good luck to finding a place for your new yarn home. Your list of wants, however, read a lot like the list we just put together for finding a new home for us. I have heard that patience will be rewarded.

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaurel

When Jen said Chocolate & Massage a few posts ago the first thing I thought of was I love the shopping there. I'm sure it is spendy to rent but what an awesome place. Glad to hear that you're getting out of that other annoying space.

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

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