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So long, farewell...

The decision has been made.

The trigger pulled.

We are bidding our current studio a fond farewell.

And I do mean fond.

Really fond.

Never ending explosions next door? Adios.

Clanging radiators and stinky, shoeless people? Adieu.

Disruptive construction workers and cheesy nightclub? In the words of Heidi Klum, Auf Wiedersehen.

So long, parking lot that was commandeered, leaving our vehicles homeless.

To clarify: we're not closing. We're just moving.

Do you know what the technical term for what we've been experiencing for the past year in this location?

The technical term is "BAD."

It's bad. So bad that I'm willing to pack up 3,000 square feet of stuff and put it somewhere else.

If you'd like a refresher on why I would do something like this to myself, read about the kettlebells here and the construction here.

Things that are on my new studio wish list:

1. Air conditioning. This summer has been brutal. We've actually closed a couple of times because of unsafe working conditions due to heat.

2. A freestanding building. I moved into this space when the building was empty. Now it's full of juke boxes and weights being thrown against my office wall. Freestanding means no one can move in next door. Or above us.

3. More space. We need it.

4. Parking. Dealing with meters and pay lots is no fun.

5. Better light. We have windows, but I have to augment them with photography lights to take decent photos. Bigger windows, and more of them, would be better.

If you know of a space in the Twin Ports, let me know -- there's a contact button in the upper right.

There is much to be done. Plumbers to call and electricians to book and plans to be drawn and babies to tend.

I am going to do something that I have practiced many times in my life: put one foot in front of the other until the destination is reached.

And right now, just about any destination is better than staying put and listening to the heavy metal I have blasting through the studio wall.

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Reader Comments (34)

Sharon, I've felt your pain ever since you told us of the kettlebells and topped it off with the nightclub. I don't know how you have managed to create the beautiful yarns and the more beautiful baby Shamrock while dealing with all the negatives those businesses created for you. I wish I could just say 'beam me up Scotty' and come help you with your move when you do find the right building, but since I can't, I'll say DITTO to Deb's post. Our good thoughts and wishes and prayers are with you while you deal with this rather difficult situation. You are definitely on the right track foot in front of the other. Slainte.

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRea

Sad that it has come to this. Best of luck finding a new (hopefully even better) home.

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKurt

So glad you're moving to a healthier environment! Now, as someone who just finished a move cross country, I think you have way too much yarn to move. So I am volunteering. You can just ship me those big ole buckets of yarn and I'll keep them nice and safe for you. All in the spirit of helping of course ;)

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

I am with Greentrees! I am willing to pitch in and do my yarn buying part to help you get to the ultimate small business goal - owning your own awesome, perfect LARGE, well lit, free standing studio

Good Decision!! Right Choice!!

PS - I saw a three week old baby in Starbucks today and wanted to snatch her. 8-) SO cute and squishy!!!

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmy A

Congrats on the decision...wish I could help you find a place.

But, if you're old, what does that make me???

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterVictoria

Congratulations on escaping! Sending good thoughts for studio options, with absolutely no alien butterfly things, kettlebells, or nightclubs. Till then, keep calm and knit Glenhaven :) And count me in for the Get Sharon An Awesome New Studio Brigade!

PS - Loving the updates on Shamrock! She is getting so big already <3

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie

The last picture, front row, far left - which colorway is that beautiful pink? (I see you have more than 1)
Good luck on finding another space that meets all your requirements!

August 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGeniaKnitz

Good for you! If you need help with grunt work let me know. I'm just in the Twin Cities.

August 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJo Anne

I'm really excited for you! You've had to put up with too much crap in your current space. These people do not have the proper respect for YARN.

August 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie

FINALLY. If push comes to shove, have a "New Headquarters" reverse-sale or specially-price colorway. Let us all chip in a skein at a time to get you the right space for what you do!

August 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEvelyn

i do no like that you have to deal with this move and the costs it will entail, I am thrilled that you will be able to get away from the madness that became your building. Put out a cry for help if you need it! Hugs.

Your bravery, your determination and your strength awe me!

August 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteryarnardent

congrats on the decision. yarn is art, and art needs respect. whether you want quiet time to create a new color or blast your favorite song while you pack up hundreds of skeins to mail, you should have the respect of your neighbors. what sort of landlord has yucky construction workers disrespecting his current tenants? may you find a lovely and cozy spot to hunker down and fill with beautiful yarn! I can't wait to see what great place you find, and make even greater with style that's all your own. space for a playpen would be perfect too, I love those Shamrock photos ;)

August 9, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkimber

Considering what you've posted about what's been going on -you are making the right choice. I hope you find great stand-alone space soon!

August 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKate B

I'll think on this and let you know if I notice any free standing space availabe. Are you open to crossing the bridge and relocating in Superior? Also, I'd be happy to help you move yarn if you need it. :)

August 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJess

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