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The Conspirator’s Gifts

Once upon a time, in the land of presidents and museums, a grown up girl received a special gift. It was a magic carpet, meant to carry her on journeys yet unknown.


The girl loved the magic carpet, for it was knit with love from the fleece of magic sheep.


Many people from faraway places conspired to give the girl this special gift, and she was very grateful for their kindness and care.


The Conspirators knew that the girl was about to set off on an important quest, and they knew she would need many things for her long journey. They feverishly concocted a plan to send her the best and most useful tools they could think of. When the time was right, all of the necessities were carefully packed into a large basket and set at the girl's feet.

The girl, unaccustomed to the attention of so many, blushed when she saw the basket.  The Conspirators cheered her on, "Open it! Open it!" they cried. The girl unpacked each item,  stopping to admire each gift assembled from far and near.

First, the Conspirators presented her with a pouch.  The pouch was full of a special powder that would give her energy when she needed it most.



They instructed her to keep the pouch safely hidden from enemies and to never let anyone else use the special powder, lest they suffer dire consequences.

The basket also contained a curious black box.


Inside the curious box, the girl found an even more curious metal case.


The metal case contained a cleverly disguised tool -- a tool the girl might need at any time on her life's journey. Though it looked like a pen, it was actually


an interchangeable-head screwdriver and level.



The basket also contained sweet smelling soaps,


and delicious-looking cupcakes to help mark the knitting the girl would undoubtedly need to bring with her.


The basket contained food and drink to both please and sustain her.  As if by magic, more packages of sustenance arrived via special delivery while the girl was unpacking the basket.


The Conspirators knew while knitting and eating were very important activities on a magic carpet journey, the girl would need reading material for companionship. They presented her a with a book that contained the wisdom and memories they hoped to pass down through the ages.


Before the girl could open the book, a magic butterfly alighted on the cover. The magic butterfly said,

"Wherever I goest, I bring good luck and good cheer. Let it be known both far and near!" The girl took this to mean only good things were in store for her, and vowed to assist the butterfly in any way she could.

Inside the book, the girl found pages gilded with gold.


She found a picture of herself, and though she knew it was hard to imagine now, this image would someday be known as Back When I Was Younger and Thinner.


The book contained photographs and letters and stories from the Conspirators.







Each entry was designed to bolster the girl's courage and strength on her magic carpet journey, for they knew that she might encounter long, dark nights and large, frightening monsters. Many other gifts were also bestowed upon the girl, and she savored the sight of each one.

The girl thanked the Conspirators heartily for their kindnesses and foresight, and reluctantly bid them farewell.  She boarded the magic carpet knit from the milk of human kindness and the fleece of magic sheep,


and set off into the night towards the journey that lie ahead.


The end and the beginning. Both at the same time.

Reader Comments (5)


December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

It was my heart's delight to be a co-conspirator.
That blanket is one big hug, for all that you do!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfey

" this image would someday be known as Back When I Was Younger and Thinner"

THAT is hilarious.

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrisha

Great info!

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March 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFlorist

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