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Humble pie.


Let's just be honest. There was a time in my yarnista career when things didn't look so hot.


Probably because the yarn didn't look so hot.


Look at that. Is that... a tangled pile of chartreuse and gray?

Oh dear.


I remember actually being moderately pleased with this picture four years ago. I remember thinking, "Well, it's a little blurry, but you can see the colors, and it looks kind of artistic."


I took about 600 shots of this skein of yarn. Reds and purples can be hard for cameras to read accurately. Never mind that the composition is just a trifle horrific. Never mind that it was on a crinkly background with full on flash.  I didn't know any better.  Correction: I didn't know how to do any better. I knew that better photographs existed, I just didn't know how to take them.

And then a miracle occurred.  People bought the yarn anyway.  I don't know why or what possessed them to do it. In fact, I still remember the people that bought these exact skeins. Most of them are still my customers. 

The fact that people bought the yarn in spite of the crappy pictures is one of those things you look back on in retrospect, in the viewfinder of life that displays 20/20, and you can see the invisible thread that began connecting these humble skeins of yarn with what is now part of my life's work.

Who knows what made them buy these skeins all those years ago. Suffice it to say that if they hadn't, you wouldn't be reading this today, because there would be no Three Irish Girls without them. 

So, a tip of the hat and a clap on the back for the girls who saw past the general badness of my early photography and gave this yarn a loving home.  Many thanks, my friends.

Reader Comments (5)

Aw, they weren't that bad! And you have always had wonderful bases :)

January 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAbigail

heck, id buy them NOW!

January 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTola

I think yarn lovers have special filters on their eyes that help them see a yarn's true colors no matter how a picture was taken.

January 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Downey

Is the 2nd one from the bottom start with an "N"? I think it was the first yarn I bought from you, I absolutely loved that colorway! Still have the knitteds from it :)

I was just remembering those early dyes last night with hubby.

January 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

I don't think they look so bad. There are some lovely colours there....I really like that last yarn. But I have to say that your photography skills are light years away from those now.

January 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

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