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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

When the leaves are just beginning to goldify...

When the mornings have the bite of a Honeycrisp apple...

When the geese take off from their night nests and form a V in the morning sky...

When the dewdrops take hours to evaporate from the blades of grass...

When the kayaks and canoes that pepper our ponds are stored for the long winter ahead...

This is when I get the urge to bust out the Christmas carols and the hot chocolate.

This is when I announce to the studio, "Just a little appetizer, you don't want to ruin your dinner!" when I'm turning on Dean Martin singing Marshmallow World in the Winter.

This is prime Christmas (and Hanukkah, and Solstice) knitting time. We still have enough time to make something, but it's time to get crackin'.

What are you making this year?

I would tell you, but the intended recipient will read this, and the surprise will be spoiled. That's one of the problems of having a blog.

People read it.

And then they know everything about you.

Let me live vicariously through you -- what are you knitting for the holidays?


P.S. Minnesota trivia tidbit of the day: Honeycrisp apples were developed by the University of Minnesota. Naturally, they are the best apples ever.


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Reader Comments (20)

I'm knitting Christmas socks for me in an extremely kitschy holiday yarn.
AFTER I have my Christmas socks on "hand" (or foot), I plan to knit a Multnomah shawl out of Adorn in the "Colleen" colorway.

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermargieinmaryland

HoneyCrisp, hands down, are the best apples around! I heart them!

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnyssa

I am knitting 3 shawls for friends (and my mom) (1 done two to go)- three sweaters (DONE!) for my babes and husband and maybe? legwarmers for myself?

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersacha

I agree!! Honeycrisps are the best apples ever, and I can't wait until they back in the grocery store again. They're especially good with a nice cheddar.

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJodyH

Honeycrisp apples are the best apples ever. Yummy.

I've made a scarf, some mitts, a cowl and am working on a bag, a shawl, and a hat. All for various friends and relatives. I've got a bunch to do, but It's pretty easy stuff :)

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather M

I agree, Honey crisp apples are terrific, we can't often get them here unfortunately...

For Christmas I have some socks made already, a shawl on the go, and a sweater for me. One more shawl and a nice scarf and I think that I am done.

Don't hate me..I work shiftwork and my hubby hates that I plan so far ahead..LOL

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVal

Take thin slices of honeycrisp apple, slices of sharp cheddar cheese and place both on a wheat thin crackers. Yum. One of my favorite fall appetizers to share.

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth

Honeycrisps are the best, and I was relieved to find them here in Oregon after moving here from Minnesota 2 years ago. I was just bragging to the clerk at the store last week how we Minnesooootans can take credit for them.

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmy W

We also adore Honeycrisp apples! They are our favorite. I like to put them in the refrigerator,let them cold and then slice to eat. Looks like winter is soon approaching for you too! They are calling for snow within a week for us. Our leaves are falling off the trees very quickly. I love this time of year,I just wish it lasted longer here!

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJaime in AK

Oh, my, those pictures are beautiful!! And to think here in SoCal, we have another month of pretty darn warm weather, and our trees are still fluffy and green! I don't know if I actually envy you your seasons, but it sure is pretty!

I have knitted 3 shawls and a scarf, have 2 shawls and some wristwarmers to go. And one of those helmet liners for 2 of my brothers, to wear when they ride their motorcycles. I have also made 2 scarves for Grandma's 90th which is in November. 2 because I got more yarn than I needed and it was her color!!

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKathy Sue

Such beautiful photographs! It almost makes up for the fact that after this lovely fall weather we'll be snowed in for 6 months :)

I'm knitting socks for my cousin (and hopefully my aunt as well), a lacy scarf for a friend and possibly other stuff depending on how crazy I get.

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGwen

We just brought some Honeycrisp home from the orchard! Yum.

I'm halfway through a shawl, part way on a sweater, and I need to order some S. Bulky for a scarf for my FIL!

Thanks for sharing some great fall pictures!

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterguinevere

Well let's see..I knit a set of snowmen for my bf's mom,kneehigh socks for his dad, boot socks for his sis, chicago bears socks for him are in the works. A hippo for his aunt, frog placemats for his grandma, and a baby hat/sweater for his cousin. I knit a hat/scarf set for my best friend and gloves are in the works. All that's left now is my grandma's vest once I finish the gloves and socks I have on the needles. Woot! I start back in like April. I'm sure there's more in there somewhere, I've a whole box in my craft room closet of gifts waiting to be wrapped. It's going to be a good year I think.

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNicole (fairyofyarn)

Can I come live with you sweet Yarnista? Oklahoma stinks. 95 yesterday, 90ish today. Hopefully it will be nicer when you get here in a little less than 2 weeks!

Knitting legwarmers for my neice out of yarn I spun (Merino/Tencel blend). Knitting fingerless gloves for my Hubbo out of yarn I spun (BFL). I will also be weaving 4 scarves. One for my mom, sister, mother-in-law and brother-in-law. Not sure yet what dad and father-in-law are getting.....

Not sure I ever had a Honeycrisp apple......... :(

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

I must agree, Honeycrisps are the best ever.

Well, this year I am making something special for everyone for the holidays and as I keep going through the list, most of it is with 3IG yarn! Boys are getting hats, and someone special (let's face it, that's me) is getting something beautiful made out of McClellan Lace specialty color!

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShannon

I just ate a honeycrisp apple! and it was awesome in my fruit salad.

Loved ones will be receiving socks, mitts, scarves and hats... almost all exclusively knit in 3IG yarn.

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterashley

I am knitting a ridiculous number of fingerless gloves (mom, step-mom-in-law, sis, hm, it seemed like more when I thought about it). And a supercute pair of legwarmers (for my very knitworthy sis). And probably a few pairs of socks (for dh and dd, as well as dsd). Hats for dsd, who said, "I can never have too many hats!"

The honeycrisps are in at my grocery store, but were not stocked yesterday. That reminds me, I need to go to the grocery store today! ;)

September 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterangela

Well Ms. Yarnista, it is 90 here in MD and at least that in the classroom with 28 adoring students. The last thing I am thinking about is Christmas. And after last winter I am not ready for cold or SNOW. It will be nice to stay indoors and crochet if time permits. But I am afraid that may be a way off. Are you still visiting the Yarn Spot in MD????

September 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLK

I've started my Christmas knitting a month back. Made Kate Davies' owlet sweater for my son and am making a cardigan for my niece and vest for my newphew and sweater for my husband. (Snuck a Shalom in there for me, too.) Busy busy. LOVE this time of year. AND, Honey Crisp apples are really good - but my favourite is Cortland. :)

September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie

Sharon, the colors in the first photo are remarkably similar to the Nature’s First Green is Gold CY colorway I purchased a few weeks back. BTW, that yarn is already well into the process of becoming a sweater for Melody when she arrives:)

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

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