time's up! How does this make you feel?

How does this picture make you feel?
Happy? Hypoglycemic?
Twitchy? Tragic?
Wistful? Wishy-washy?
Tell you what: you leave a comment here telling me how this picture makes you feel, and I'll enter you in a drawing for a skein of one of our new fall colorways.
No, I can't post a picture of it -- it will ruin the surprise!
Really, I cannot.
You have until Thursday morning at 10:00 Central Time to enter. I will draw a winner at random, and send you a skein of yarn for free, no catch.
Just because. Because I am a nice Yarnista.
Can't wait to read your responses!
P.S. I'm looking for two little boys to model for our fall catalog: one should be a size 6-9 months, and the other a 2T-3T. Free 8x10 prints for mama in exchange for your help. It will not take long, I promise!
P.S.S. Workshop and trunk show this Sunday at The Yarn Spot in Wheaton, MD! The workshop is full, but the trunk show is free and open to everyone -- it will run from 4-6 pm.
P.S.S.S. (Who does P.S.S.S.'s? Me? Only me?) I'm having a workshop here at the studio on October 30th! Watch this space for more details, or drop me a line using the Contact Us button if you're interested.
Reader Comments (255)
It's still 90 here in CA.
(As in a crisp cold day)
Cold!! LOL
Like I need to plan a Christmas tree hunting trip!
Natural warmth!
I love pine cones, love that beautiful mitten color, don't really like winter at all. Except that you can wear pretty and WARM mittens. Mittens are a good thing when your hand size is too small for most every adult glove out there. Thanks for the lovely photo.
Fresh and cool!
Amazed by the depth conveyed in one quite close-up picture by the variety of textures involved: the soft and almost watery green of the background next to the fuzzy and yet regimented aqua stitches of the mitten next to the jagged scallops of the pine cone. It's like I can almost feel it through the screen.
Makes me wish for snow :)
I have a very adorable boy who is in 2-3T clothes, but I imagine you need someone local? :)
Chilly! :>
peaceful - The brown with the turquoise, with the touches of white frosting the pinecone. Absolutely peaceful looking ahead to one of my favorite times of year.
It makes me feel so small, as in the world is a big place and I am merely a snowflake on a pinecone.
Cozy. Sitting in front of a fireplace in flannel jammies, drinking hot cider, covered with a handknit afghan kind of cozy.
reminds me of the positive aspects of winter that I remember from childhood...not what we will experience in Iowa.
That shade of turquoise gives me a thrill! And look at that stitch definition. What a joy those mittens would be during the grey of winter!
(Pinecone? What pinecone?) ;)
The promise of winter! My second favorite season, right after autumn.