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TIME’S UP! And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

The Great Internet Outage of 2008 is officially over. Thanks to those of you who sent concerned letters via wagon train, owls bearing news of the outside world, and nourishing soups to bolster our strength.

We have much to share -- Albert is all grown up, and has taken himself a lovely bride. Laura is headed west to homestead on the prairie, and Mrs. Oleson and I have been busily preparing for the coming winter by darning socks and canning the last of the summer berries. Hopefully, Pa will enjoy his jam as the snow flies in January.

prepare for segue

It's time for a contest, don't you think?

I do think.

As a prize, how about a skein of our awesome new sock yarn, Beckon? I can't wait to share its awesomeness with you. Never a prettier sock yarn has been found. Never a stretchier, funner-to-knit-with yarn has been seen. Never has a grammar teacher been so horrified.


You pick your poison: a semi solid? Describe the color, and we can make it for you. Or maybe one of our yummy handpainted colorways? To sweeten the deal, we'll also add a free copy of one of our sock patterns.

To enter, respond to this post and answer the following question: What's on your needles right now? Or perhaps, what do you wish were on your needles right now? This will allow those of you who tidily finish one project before beginning another to enter.

Or allow those of you who are currently stuck in the horrid, "When the BLEEP is this project going to be finished?!?!" stage to fantasize about greener pastures. (Which I've heard are out west on the prairie.)

You have until Thursday evening, October 9th, to respond, and then we'll randomly select a winner. I will share one of my projects tomorrow!

Reader Comments (123)

On needles: a baby tomten sweater by EZ, a Miss Dashwood hat from knitty and one legwarmer (the first one is done already, yay for me). Also on needles but hibernating- a cashmere bed sock, a stormwater shawl, a clapotis and a poncho I started knitting like 5 years ago.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJenn

I have a pair of longies on the needles, along with a blanket for dh and a dishcloth. I have a lot of things I'd like to put on needles - three shawls, a pair of socks, a sweater for my daughter and a sweater for my dh. Oh yeah, and a scarf for me! Too much knitting, not enough time!!!! My 3IG yarn is up next, I think it wants to be a sweater for my daughter. :D

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

I have plain vanilla crazy variegated Halloween socks on my needles. My 13 year old loves them and will probably steal them.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEllie

I just finished the bayerische socks and am very thankful for that!

I currently have a sweater (February Lady) for my daughter, and twin rib fingerless mitts. And that is all! For once I am only working on two projects! BUT I really really want to start another pair of socks...not sure what pattern yet but I am positive something will catch my eye soon and I will begin. I also need to start a sweater for my other daughter soon because I need both done before Christmas or I can't give a sweater to either.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertori

I've got it down to 2 WIP's right now...a February Lady Sweater (for me) and a Moderne Log Cabin blanket for my cousin's baby (that due date is coming so fast!). I really want to cast on some socks (I've never made socks, can't wait!) because I just got some pretty sock yarn, but I need to finish these two things first! (So the baby and I will not get cold).

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVeronica

I am working on a pair of longies and intend on casting on a sweat for my oldest son this week as well :)

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa Haddon

On the needles
1. Drop stitch cable shawl for my mum.
2. Aquaphobia socks in 3IG Arctic Circle from August.
3. Plain socks for the hubby.
4. Mermaid Sea Silk Scarf.
5. Twist & Shout from most recent Knitty
6. Faux Russian Stole
7. Love Scarflette
8. Cable Comfort Throw

Next up
1. Lady Eleanor Entrelac Stole
2. Niagara Falls socks
3. Clessidra Socks
4. Irish Diamond Shawl
5. Celtic Tote
6. Urban Aran (converted to cardigan)
7. Candle Flame Shawl
8. Autumn Rose Pullover

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

I have the Drive-Thru cardigan in Lady Slipper for the 3IG sweater KAL on one set.

The Sunday Market shawl in Cormac on another set.

A baby candy corn hat for a friend's baby who arrived early!!

And finally, a tiger paw dishcloth on another set.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

Oh that line up is so pretty!

On my needles... well, I have two socks I was working on and one blanket. I was about to cast on some longies for my DD, but I got derailed. A friend suffering from cancer has taken a turn for the worse. So now I'm knitting as fast as I can for the charity auction being put on to benefit her and her family. SO... cast on a kimono today and am aiming for longies to match. And a pair of socks... for her. That yarn isn't cooperating though so they got fully ripped out last night. Back to square one there...

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJess

On one set of needles is a lace stole for a knitting competition that I entered that will be sent to my target when completed.

On another set of needles is the second sock of my very first pair that inspired me to join this group.

On a third set is a dishcloth for a swap that I joined.

On forth set is a vest that I'm making for myself.

On a fifth set is a knitted bag that will go to another swap partner.

I have a couple of things on crochet hooks too but you didn't ask for those.

Good Luck to everyone who joined this contest!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVivian

how much time do you have?

lots? oh good. here we go.

1) baby's first tattoo sweater for my friends' totally awesome kid who just turned 1, running a little late there.

2) convertible mittens for my boyfriend which he asked for months ago and doesn't know he's getting soon, so please don't any of you let the cat out of the bag.

3) through the loops mystery sock KAL, because even when i told myself "just say no to more projects", well let's just say i have no discipline.

those are the 3 getting the most attention. there's also...

4) a pair of slightly modified kew socks.

5) show off stranded socks using arctic circle from the august shipment of sock yarnista.

6) a leaf leace scarf.

7) thermal, which so help me god, will be a sweater that actually fits once i've finished it.

8) lace ribbon scarf, which i am only 20 inches from finishing, but SO tired of.

9) and finally an afghan that has been on the needles for 5 years and gets work on about once every 4 months.

ask and you shall be answered! obviously i need more yarn to entice me to more projects. because if there's one thing my apartment needs more of, it's evidence that a knitter lives there.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristi

The projects on my needles are, sadly, too numerous to list. It is more fun saying what I plan to cast on next, which is the Two Hearts aran sweater in A Fine Fleece. I love that sweater!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKristie Hammond

Well, I have some fantastic sock yarn on my needles right now... some Beckon sock yarn. Half way to becoming Barrow. I am also almost done a sweater that I ran out of yarn for, a shawl that is in it's third incarnation, and am desperate to cast on some new socks in some gorgeous Barcelona.

Was that too predictable?

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTrisha

I actually got a package in the mail today with four beautiful skeins of yarn from Three Irish Girls! So right now I am wishing for them all to be cast on, and four pairs of arms to knit all four skeins at the same time.
But, I have a report due next week, so though luck.....

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMette

I have a pair of picky pants with my July stash menagerie yarn on the needles. I've actually got more projects on the hook at the moment, as I've been crocheting a ton of little animals. I'm in the middle of a purple hippo and a little hedgehog at the moment.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

One my needles:
Charade socks (2nd sock), Basic Ribbed Socks (1st sock), and an Artisan's Vest for my mom. I *wish* I had a sweater on my needles, but I won't let myself start one until the vest is finished.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGina B.

On my needles right now is one of many Christmas socks (8 nieces and nephews, enough said).

What I wish was on my needles is a sweater for me. Oh well need to get the presents done first.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLauren B.

On my needles right now? Oh dear! Socks for my self, a baby blanket for my cousin(baby is here!!), a really crazy shawl/blanket crocheted out a superbulky yarn that made it's way to my home twice!!!!!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarcela

Spring Forward socks in Barcelona! Only I am renaming them "Fall Forward" socks! We won't go into detail about all my other WIP's!!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn Sigman

I have several pair of socks on my needles (most are simple and good for class knitting) I also have the little blue sweater from interweave knits, the druid mittens from vogue knitting, a simple pair of slippers, and the lush and lacy cardigan. I keep wanting to cast on for another pair of socks (or 2.. or 3...), a blanket (hemlock ring?), several scarves, my second clapotis, a pair of gloves, and another sweater (green gable - but I need to dye the yarn first). hmm I think I may have startitis....

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

OTN: Clifden variations, a scarf based on Connemara, for the Red Scarf Project; a chemo hat for a relative going through a particularly rough round of treatments; a blanket for my 12-year-old; socks for my spouse; the last of a skein's worth of korknisse(s?). I'd like to knit something for myself, but I never get around to deciding quite what before I find myself on another deadline...

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterscribblearts

I'm working on a celtic cabled neckwarmer. And a pair of socks from 3IG :)

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAbigail

Socks, always socks!! And a shawl that is about 1/3 done and a hat that I just finished for a Chrismas gift.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDiane

Today I finished a set for my friend's new baby - a shrug, booties and hat combo. I still need to weave in the ends, so technically, it is still "on the needles". I am also in the middle of five socks (two pairs and a single), two shawls and a bag. There is probably more, but I can't seem to keep track!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbob

On my needles:
- Luna Moth lace shawl with Tilli Tomas worsted weight beaded silk, 100% softness and luxury. My first ever lace project, for my mom's birthday Nov 17 (which is also my birthday ^_^)

- Off-shoulder tank with Mondial Vulcano. See for details.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArlin

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