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TIME’S UP! And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

The Great Internet Outage of 2008 is officially over. Thanks to those of you who sent concerned letters via wagon train, owls bearing news of the outside world, and nourishing soups to bolster our strength.

We have much to share -- Albert is all grown up, and has taken himself a lovely bride. Laura is headed west to homestead on the prairie, and Mrs. Oleson and I have been busily preparing for the coming winter by darning socks and canning the last of the summer berries. Hopefully, Pa will enjoy his jam as the snow flies in January.

prepare for segue

It's time for a contest, don't you think?

I do think.

As a prize, how about a skein of our awesome new sock yarn, Beckon? I can't wait to share its awesomeness with you. Never a prettier sock yarn has been found. Never a stretchier, funner-to-knit-with yarn has been seen. Never has a grammar teacher been so horrified.


You pick your poison: a semi solid? Describe the color, and we can make it for you. Or maybe one of our yummy handpainted colorways? To sweeten the deal, we'll also add a free copy of one of our sock patterns.

To enter, respond to this post and answer the following question: What's on your needles right now? Or perhaps, what do you wish were on your needles right now? This will allow those of you who tidily finish one project before beginning another to enter.

Or allow those of you who are currently stuck in the horrid, "When the BLEEP is this project going to be finished?!?!" stage to fantasize about greener pastures. (Which I've heard are out west on the prairie.)

You have until Thursday evening, October 9th, to respond, and then we'll randomly select a winner. I will share one of my projects tomorrow!

Reader Comments (123)

On my needles right now? A tie! I'm using some lovely sock yarn for something other than a sock. Is that sockrilege? It'll be cute, though. It's for a friend's birthday and I don't know his foot size.

I would love to win some more sock yarn! Then I could make more socks instead of ties! I love 3IG colorways!

OTN: wash/dish cloths for coworkers holiday gifts
Wish OTN: socks birthday is this month...Oct. 25 to be precise. ;)

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLori

Mittens! I'm knitting the second mittens of two pairs. This holiday season is all about mittens! (and I may be wearing them in the house, with the thermostat set to 60)

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJan

Which needles? I have a scarf, eurydice, & a mini bear actively in progress right now. I have a couple other projects that are waiting in the wings.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

On my needles right now? Oh, man. A true ADD knitter, I have way too many at any given time. But the thing that I am going to be finishing up right now is Oriental Lily in Springvale ( It's purple heaven, or "purkle," as my 2 yo daughter would say.!

All those pinks and reds together in your photo are just too, too pretty!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGretchen

I have a baby blanket I'm working on and the baby is due pretty much yesterday. And then some popsicle socks that I still have finished up. *laugh*

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterM Ward

What's on my needles? Which set ...

I have a Wicked that is currently languishing - I need to rip it back up to the underbust as it turned out too long. Ripping out that much knitting makes me sad. I'm going to do it today though!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKeri

On my needles - I have a solid black pair of medium picky pants - being knit from lovely Black Lindon merino, that the Yarnista so graciously dyed black for me (and I'm still concerned that this yarn might have been the cause of the hair debacle). On my embroidery needles (ha ha!) is a pair of picky pants in Brennan (again on Lindon) that is being dressed up with some lovely fall foliage - much brighter than black. Although please don't think I'm complaining about black - it is truly a gorgeous black. Just very hard to see in the dim lights of the nighttime TV when watching House or the Cosby Show. ;)

Also on the needles is a pair of socks that is taking me FAR to long to finish. Not enough hours in the day... especially when I want to be spinning... ;)

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMeri

On my needles right now -well at this very moment I am finishing off a beret, hoping that it will work out. I also have other projects going - a shawl amongst others - but it still too hot here to deal with such masses of wool. I am still sticking to cotton and/or smaller projects.

Your yarn is beautiful! I just came across your yarn, and I have to say the new colourway roisin is superb, simply stunnning!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArtinreality

I'm also a bit of a starter/non-finisher. I have two lace wraps on the needles. a pair of socks, a keyhole scarf for our goddaughter, a February Lady Sweater in DIC classy...I think that's it at the moment. Most of my knitting has been baby stuff lately since everyone I know is having a young'un. It's nice to knit normal people-sized garments again. And I'm loving the lace knitting. And I've recently learned to love sportweight socks as well as the traditional fingering weight variety.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTraci

Ughhh! I haven't picked up my needles in about 2 weeks. Sounds like I know what I'm going to be doing today! Anyway... on the needles, I have... Hey, Teach, a 2 color Clapotis that I am actually going to frog, and Popsicle socks for my daughter!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

I have a dinosaur going, but he hasn't been worked on much lately, a pair of perfection pants for my nephew, and a pair of socks for my grandpa that haven't been touched in a year. I really want to be working on some socks using some targhee sock yarn I got from Mosaic Moon. I started, but they were turning out too big with the pattern I was using, and I haven't had a chance to decide what pattern I should use.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMona

I'm about halfway through knitting a baby blanket that I started, oh, say, 3 years ago? Yeah, I think that's about right... Sigh. Maybe I'll finish it before he starts college. I would love some pretty new yarn to distract me!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatherine

On the needles right now...ehm Firefly Mobius, Oyster Bay shawl and the second Eurydice sock.

And this morning some more yarn arrived so there will be more projects on the needles soon :)

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCarolina

I'm almost done with my Neck Down Bolero for the 3IG KAL! I have been lovin' the Lindon Merino. :)

Next project...earflap hats for the two kiddos. It's almost that time of year again. I'll be using Stash Menagerie Club yarns.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

I have way too much OTN right now. A pair of socks being made from the Sock Yarnista Barrow pattern with Sanguine Gryphon's sea sock yarn. A chevron scarf in yummy Tillie Thomas silk and wool, a sweater for a Boston Terrier in icky acrylic, a two pairs of socks destined to be Christmas gifts: plain vanilla socks in Lorna's Laces and a pair of ribbed socks in Sanguine Gryphon's Traveler. Aaaaand that list didn't seem nearly as bad before I typed it all out. Yikes!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

I am currently knitting a pair of Maine Morning Mitts and the Sloth Hat. Also a pullover vest from KP&S. And a baby blanket from my handspun.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLinda

I'm on a Dream in Color kick: I'm working on a Flower Basket Shawl in Baby, a pair of Bleeding Heart Socks in Smooshy and a February Lady Sweater in Classy. And I'm furiously winding yarn for the next few projects so I'll be ready to cast on as I finish the current WIPs.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKimberly

On my needles now:
Which Came First? (mine is huuuuuge! not sure why)
TTL Mystery socks for Socktoberfest
Foliage in bulky
and I am sure there is something else

Oh yeah! My So Called Scarf which I started last year at this time, I think.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChelsea

On my needles: Tempest from knitty and a pair of socks that just won't finish themselves.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

The sweater which must not be named - and which WILL be finished by Christmas! lol, a Tiger Eyes scarf, and a Shedir (in recycled cashmere, mmmmm)

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterangela

On my needles:
+Plain socks in 3IG's Arctic Circle on Beckon (which might be my true love in sock yarn form)
+Pink Ribbon Socks from Sugar Bunny Blvd (never have I frogged a pattern so much)
+Helena from Knitty (for my best friend's daughter)
+a Weasley sweater (for a co-worker's baby)
+Matilda Jane (which is stalled because I need to figure out how to do short row shaping for the best in hopes of making it fit properly)'s almost like I have a problem...

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRhiannon

Oh, I really have to fess up? It's a good thing your yarns are worth it! :-) Do I get an entry for every item OTN?

Currently actually on needles:
-Cowl I'm test knitting for a friend
-Baby cardigan for expectant mom friend
-Cable hat to match the mittens I designed for my son (made with my beautiful August Stash Menagerie yarn!)
-Shrug for me
-T-shirt for me
-Another hat for my son to match the wristers I designed him
-Lace scarf
-Curtains for my daughters room!
And that's all, only because I actually finished 2 projects a few days ago!

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Oh crap. I hope the UFO police aren't reading this.

On the needles:
- A FCS that just won't go away.
- A 2x2 ribbed hat for my DH (this is my first project with my own handspun yarn).
- A drop stitch scarf.
- A Mr. Greenjeans.

Dangerously close to the needles:
- A pile of sock yarn, wound and ready for my circular sockknitting machine.
- Last month's "Barcelona", which is waiting for the perfect scarf pattern to show off its loveliness.
- A skein of green variegated fingering, which is going to be a cowl (I think).

I hope that weee-ooo noise I hear in the background is just the wind whistling through the trees....

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJanine

On needles now!
Prayer shawl for group at church.
West for myself.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterElaine

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