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TIME’S UP! It’s the most wonderful time of the year giveaway!

I love this time of year. I love everything about December: cold weather, the possibility of snow, the short days that necessitate family time in the evenings, the glowing lights, the hope of the approaching new year.

We had snow in Washington, DC over the weekend. Snow only happens a few times a year and only lasts for a few days, but children love it. They will try to go sledding and build snowmen with the paltriest of dustings.



Christmas. Hanukkah. The Winter Solstice. They're all coming soon. In that spirit, I think it's time for a good old-fashioned giveaway!

Our first prize is one of our Alaska-inspired colorways.

Prize #1: Two skeins of Glacier on Springvale DK. I love this yarn. So soft, so squishy, so versatile.




Prize #2: Another Alaska-inspired colorway, Wild Strawberries.  Read more about this colorway, along with some useful organizational tips here.

We're giving away two skeins of Wild Strawberries on Wexford Merino Silk. Worsted weight goodness, that's what this is.




Prize #3: As skein of Alchemy on Glenhaven Fingering.  Yes, it's in the vault. Yes, Glenhaven has cashmere. Yes, you'll want to wrap the skein around your neck immediately. Yes, it's more difficult to knit it that way.



Prize #4: Two skeins of Skye on Kells Sport. Love it. Lovelovelove.




Prize #5. New colorway. No official name yet. I'm calling it Need More Coffee Marigold for now.  Dyed on the aforementioned Glenhaven Fingering that you'll want to wrap around your neck. Looks gorgeous paired with blues, purples, greens, magentas, and browns. Trust me.



Contest Rules

To enter, leave a comment that answers the following question: What is the best thing about December?

Only one entry per person.

You must use a valid email address so we can contact you if you're the winner.

Comments are moderated, so don't worry if you don't see yours immediately.

Winners will be chosen at random on Saturday, December 12th, at noon Eastern time. We will have a random number generator choose a comment number, one person for each prize. 

This contest is free. We will pay for shipping, even to international locations.

Good luck!

Reader Comments (401)

What isn't to love about December? The nip in the air that makes you want to snuggle, warm cider, hot cocoa with lots of marshmallows. This year we have even had some snow already! However, my favorite part of December is seeing my children very excited, happy, and trying to be extra good so that Santa will bring them gifts. They even the act of driving to the store with them becomes more fun! The yelp with glee with every passing how decked in Christmas lights, every holiday sign, and even insist on having spare change with them to drop in the Salvation Army bell ringer's collection basket. My children are my favorite part of December.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDenise Montague

December is the best time for my husband and myself. Neither of our children were married when we retired to Virginia ten years ago. Since then, both have married and we have been blessed with two granddaughters. December is the month we head north to spend the holidays with family and friends.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjanice

Jack Frost visiting!! Pink cheeks an noses from him pinching us while we are outside. Coming inside to the warm fire to knit and drink hot cocoa..... oh how I love it!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternicole (frontier dreams)

There are million things I love about December. The cookies, the hot chocolate, the tree... I could go on forever. My favorite things is that everyone seems to be just a *little* bit nicer to each other. We say "happy holidays" and maybe hold the door a little longer than usual which makes it a happier time of year. :)

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNatasha

The best thing about December is that after the 21st, the days start getting longer. Light. And holiday lights. More light. And snow, and cold, and knitting and... Still the best thing is the Solstice and then the days start getting longer.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndy

The best thing about Christmas is spending time with my family and friends! The second best thing about Christmas is baking Christmas cookies!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteryarnardent

The best thing about December is cooking making!

(and also knitting and watching college basketball)

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercatraggedy

December is full of awesome events for us. My husband's birthday, Christmas and our wedding anniversary on New Year's Eve are all things I love about this month. I love all the baking I get to do and eat, even though my hips don't like it, lol. Thanks for being such an awesome Yarnista Sharon!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

I love December! Here in BC, it can be a really beautiful time of year. Today there is not a cloud in the blue's very cold but the fun kind of cold that feels crisp and leaves you with a rosy nose and cheeks. The stress of the holidays used to have me dreading well as the fact the no one was around to celebrate my Boxing Day birthday but since becoming a mum...I have regained the joy and wonder in the season that I lost once I became a 'grown up'. Almost makes me believe in Santa again!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLouise

1. My favorite thing about December is the cold weather! I'm not a fan of being cold, but I AM a fan on wearing handknit mittens and sweaters and cowls.
2. I am ridiculously in love with the Wild Strawberries colorway and I would buy like, 19 skeins if it were an available colorway. No joke. (Okay, maybe just one or two.)

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrinn

There are so many things to choose from, but I'll pick my current favorite....
All of my kids ending up in our bed in the morning and snuggling with us under the covers because it's too cold to get up. This always leads to giggling, tickling, and those funny things children say.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonna

best thing about december is continuing old tradtions and creating new ones. and cookies of course. :)

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkelly

The best thing about December is the combination of quiet stillness and sparkling lights. Gathering with friends and family to celebrate. Cooking all types of goodies that may not good for you, but remind you of holidays and people past. Seeing children running around during the first snow and catching snowflakes in their mouths. Seeing the snow and clouds close in over Lake Champlain like a large blanket during a snowstorm.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKathleen

Stumbling across old favorite holiday tv shows like Santa Claus is Coming to Town, The Year Without a Santa Claus, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

I love baking, cooking, the smell of the Christmas tree....and this year I'm especially enjoying watching my son's excitement about all of it. He'll be two in March, so he understands a lot more this year. Watching him run around in reindeer antlers last night, and seeing his excitement to help decorate, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy M.

I love that it finally gets "cold" in December. And Christmas gifts. I make most of the gifts I give, so it is intense and fun creativity. I took the Handmade for Christmas oath 4 years ago, and have stuck with it since. And the generosity of people who give and help without asking to be repaid--that's the best, I think!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKathy Sue

The best thing about December is Wollman Rink, Rockefeller Center, the beginning of snow (before it becomes an dirty and nasty), and the finality of the year with a possibility of newer, shinier, skinnier new me!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaureen

I would say family time, but that is done and enjoyed all year. I would say celebrating Jesus, but that is accomplished and wonderful all year! The beautiful lights and yummy cookies are great, of course. My favorite thing specifically about December is: We have a tradition of keeping the week from Dec. 26 to New Years Day that we only leave the house if we HAVE to -- taking sick kids to the Dr., a desperate grocery run, etc. We spend the whole week playing games, enjoying new presents, watching movies -- whatever we want to do! Ok, maybe I did choose family time, but it is a little bit different than other times of the year. :) Merry Christmas, Sharon!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterClarissa

The best thing about December is the absolute joy my kids have all month with the anticipation of Christmas.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMeribeth

The best thing about December is anticipation! Of snow, of gifts, of seeing if the gifts you chose are well received, of snow, of family, of everything. Everything good happens in December. (And a few not so good things, often also related to anticipation of family, but overall, good. *g*)

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShelley

It's really hard to pick the best thing about December. I have too many things I love about the month! If I have to pick just one thing to put on here, it's probably the time of reflection and anticipation. It's nice to think about all the things that happened over the year to make one grow and it's also exciting to know that a new year is just around the corner.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHelen

The best things about December? Hmmm. . . I kind of like that it is a time of closure, just before the "new beginning" of the new year. I also like that the family gets a lot of extra time together, with the holidays from work, etc. This year, our holiday travel will be finished by Christmas Day, so we will have some time to snuggle in at home. Errr, the tasty treats and presents don't hurt either ;) (and knitting with Glenhaven. Maybe I can bust mine out this Dec!)

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterangela

Fires in the fireplace! Also, twinkly lights. And never being too hot to knit wool. :)

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth

What's my favorite thing about December? If I was asked this say 8 years ago it would be hard for me to answer. No really. I used to not like winter when I was younger. I lived in Md and we NEVER got snow. Which really if its going to be cold you might as well have the snow to go along with it. But then we moved to Iowa. Right now I am staring out my windows looking at 5" of snow in the beginning of December with another foot in the forecast for tomorrow. My kids are getting their snow clothes on. Even my youngest who, really lets face it, hates it is so excited that last night she ran out in her slippers trying to catch snowflakes in her little 2 year old mouth. Last year she stood in the snow and cried every time we went out. I have pictures even because it was so funny how much she hated it. Maybe falling face down in the snow whenever she tried to walk anywhere had something to do with it. We started a tradition last year though in spite of her hatred for all things cold and wet. Whenever it snows more then a few inches we go sledding. The aforementioned child hates that too but we do it anyway. She is still young I am hoping to change her mind. My other child is giddy though running around until his cheeks and nose are bright red although the rest of him is warm from his wool items like his hat, mittens even wool socks I knit him through the year. After we are all done we go inside and make homemade hot chocolate with candy canes. We eat yummy homemade soup and leftovers. We cuddle up next to fires and watch movies eating cinnamon sugar popcorn dh has made. This is our December. This is why I love freezing my butt off with my kids. Almost running into trees when dh is in the front of the sled. I wouldn't change the cold weather for anything.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKarah

My parents, siblings, & etc are all far away. My favorite part of December is traveling to see them.

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKylene

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